Yeah, but I also wish suppression could be toned down a little. Did you see the latest trailer? Every first person shot was incredibly blurry.
Or at least reduce suppression on some weapons like the Assault Weapons, Carbines and PDWs. I can understand suppression from stuff like LMGs and Sniper Rifles but not from smaller round weapons. I've lost count of how many times I've missed a crucial shot with a sniper because I'm being suppressed as the twat on the other end can't use a sniper for **** and just spams the **** out of me. Maybe reduce the cool off time as well so you come out of suppression a little faster too if you're prone?
I can't say i'm looking forward to it kn all honesty, though I will most likely buy it anyway. I prefer battlefields over close quarter indoor maps.
Probably because this game is supposed to be a sequel to Battlefield 2 and part of the main series as opposed to the spin off Bad Company series. Still, we play on the console, so Bad Company maps work out well for the smaller player count. I think Rush mode in BF3 is plain awful and the maps for it aren't nearly as good for it as the Bad Company maps, so I would love to see maps like Harvest Day and Oasis. And we need maps with destructible bridges. Wake Island should have had destructible bridges. Destruction in BF3 doesn't even seem as good as it was in BC2, even though it was advertised as being so much better; you can hardly even put holes in the ground on most of the maps.
So I decided to get good at flying helicopters, specifically the attack chopper. God damn have I been missing out. The default rockets they give you as the pilot are almost overpowered for any sort of skilled pilot, imo. I don't think it should be possible to completely destroy armored vehicles with a single pass, but damn is it satisfying. And with a semi-competent gunner it's even more devastating. Now I just gotta get good at flying the attacking with the scout choppers.
I agree with every point you made, but consider the level design in BF3 when in context of destructibility. We've been given a finer tuned destruction engine, so in certain instances we do see a more destructible environment. However Battlefield 3's level design was more geared to enclosed urban environments with emphasis on small details in the environment (much like COD). To keep the intended flow of the map, most of the destructibility was restricted to arbitrary items that had little effect on how the remainder of a match would play out. Sure, you can still destroy a wall to expose the enemy, and there is other means of destructible cover. Bad Company 2's maps all took place in sprawling outdoor environments where natural terrain took up a large percentage of the playing space. Those buildings that happened to be in a map were mere cookie cutter enclosings. With less emphasis on building textures and behaviors, DICE was able to manage in much more destructibility into key areas of the maps' layout. Battlefield 3's destructibility is mostly in for vanity's sake. But they royally ****ed up Wake Island. God. Theres no excuse for that ****. Oh, and I still want Over and Out. That's my all time favorite BF map.
at least you can say from a firsthand perspective that theyre a bit overpowered. lol. those things are crazy deadly. i hate them.
They could at least make the buildings a little more destructable on maps like Kharg Island. Only one or two of them actually fall down properly. They could make the bigger open concrete buildings by B and C a little more breakable.
Trust me, I used to be just like you. Helicopters and jets are pretty intimidating to get behind the throttle, but I found helicopters to be the easier one to get the hang of. In all honesty you simply have to be that douche that just waits on the spawn screen or camps the helicopter spawn for a few games to get any good. You need as much consecutive time in the helicopter as possible to get the feel of it. They used to be more balanced, but since the latest patch the anti-air launchers that engineers get are practically useless. Not only has their range been decreased to what feels like half the original distance, but even then they blow up before reaching their target like 50% of the time dealing no damage, and even then they almost never do enough damage to even disable an aircraft.
Battlefield 3: Intentional? Okay, so a few thing that I was wondering. 1) In case you didn't know: On assault rifles and a few SMG like guns (like the A-91), putting a heavy-barrel and fore-grip seems to negate recoil, and generally make the gun more stable. Is this a glitch, if so any idea why this happened? Is this going to be fixed? Are there any other combos like this? 2) As a mate showed me today, it is possible to launch the EOD bot using C4. As it does not take fall damage, you can use this for good results. On Rush on Damavand peak, a mate and I launched my EOD bot 912 meters, from the attackers spawn to the 3rd stage objectives, on top of the warehouse, wheels down, no bounce. Is this being fixed? Is this a viable strategy? How far have you gotten? 3) As all of you should know, heavy barrel and the M26 Dart is very long range and powerful when under slung. Long range kills are very easy and it is very very high damage. Is this being fixed in a patch, with or before the CQB maps? Any idea ho this one happened? Longest kill? (In case anyone here has kept track That's all for now folks. Thanks DL
Heavy Barrels reduce recoil in a sense that the vertical climb is restricted. Foregrips reduce recoil on the horizontal axis, or more so reduce inaccuracy. The idea is, if you're on a map where you're expected to be getting more long-range kills than close quarter kills, you use the heavy barrel to keep the bullets path more true to where you're intentionally aiming as the vertical lift isn't as high. If you're on close quarter maps, you should prefer using the Foregrip to reduce horizontal scatter as your targets are bigger vertically than they are horizontally (unless prone). You can look at it scientifically, but also there are things there that are used simply for effect; Flashlight blinding opponents, laser sight producing more accurate hipfire, mobile bipod giving no recoil, supressor hiding you on a radar etc...
Heavy Barrel actually increases vertical climb*, but increases accuracy, as well. Flash Suppressor reduces climb, but decreases accuracy. I would love to use the Flash Suppressor all the time, but hiding myself on the mini-map with a regular Suppressor is too valuable. That would actually be reason enough for me to do HC, but I can't stand Team Damage or all the snipers that I'm sure flock to those servers for easier kills. *or is supposed to. If it actually does reduce it when combined with the Foregrip, then it is a glitch.
Wrong Stevo, Heavy Barrel doesn't change climb, just increases the accuracy of the bullets themselves (less spread at a distance) and decreases accuracy from the hip. As for the questions, the M26 will be fixed in a patch that will probably go with the DLC. Who cares about the EOD.
Yeah they did that to balance the jets getting ****ed over (thus flattening the equipment curve, since dodging ground AA units AND other aircraft with all high-level stuff is a pain in the ass). But as a result, helicopters are death machines. I'd say they should just make it apply to choppers but then we have that jet that can hover (which is absolute BS, especially since they can stop midair in a dogfight and get behind the guy chasing them).
In my experience putting the F35 in hover mode is a death wish, and all around the most annoying thing in the Karkand pack. It takes way to long to switch back to flight and therefore you're a sitting duck that can't react fast enough. Not only that, but it's ****ing infuriating when I try to slow down to make a sharp turn in the F35 and in mid-turn I go into hover mode on my ****ing side, causing me to stall and either plummet to the ground or just get decimated by another pilot. I swear, when I get placed on the team that has F35's instead of the traditional jets I don't even bother using them. I mean I get it if they wanted to add them in to mix up the gameplay but making them the only available jet to one team is infuriating as hell. They really need to make the hover mode its own button prompt, because it activating automatically when you slow down is just stupid. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm also sick of flares and the ECM jammer in jets and helicopters simply not working. I'm not sure if they changed the mechanics behind the flares or if it's just a glitch but I'm sick of activating my flares/jammer and still getting hit by missiles. I don't even bother waiting for enemy jets and choppers to shoot off flares first anymore because a good 70% of the time my missiles just ignore it and hit the target regardless.
F35 no longer goes into hover mode unless you are close enough to the ground to allow it. You don't have to worry about those failed turns anymore. F35's are great because they seem to have much stronger main guns. You are probably activating ECM too late. It only breaks locks, not actual missles. The only time flares will fail is against guided missles or missles that were fired too close to you for a proper reaction.