
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Noooooch, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By Noooooch​

    Description: An asymmetrical room based map. Best suited for 4v4's and ~6 player FFA's.
    Tags: Noooooch, Memento
    Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, KotH

    Loadout Camera / OS & JP

    Another view of the Central Atrium

    Red Room / GL

    Blue Room / Focus Rifle

    Yellow Room / Sniper Rifle

    Overshield x1 / 120
    Grenade Launcher x1 / 58s / 1 spare clip
    Focus Rifle x1 / 158s
    Sniper Rifle x1 / 118s / 1 spare clip
    Jetack x 1 / 1s

    Other Notes: Memento is my first asymmetrical attempt and an experimental project. Yes, that is a drop spawned Focus Rifle, suck it MLG.
    #1 Noooooch, Apr 26, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2012
  2. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the map looks very nice and clean. But how did you get the pics so nicely???
  3. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this map looks very nice Noooooooch. i love your inclusion of the brace tunnels, they look very nice and i dont see them used very good on other maps, but on this map they look great. the one thing i dont like at the moment is the wall colis because they just look plain and ugly, if you have and money left could you get rid off them and use other blocks instead. great map though.

    And how did you get the pics so clean and nicely??
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    He's probably using a capture card ladies.

    Why does the jetpack only have a one second respawn? The lifts look like like teleporters at first glance, so I suggest using better indication or lowering the one-way. That way, the player will go up immediatly after making contact with the block instead of having to jump.

    Initial orientation seems like it would be easy enough and each room is designed nicely, allowing for multiple paths in and out.
    #4 Auburn, Apr 29, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
  5. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I lol'd
    On a serious note one second respawn is the MLG spawn times for armor abilities they because they wait untill the body dissapeared to start the timer.

    For the did I miss this before?!?! This looks more than good.
    It's grreaat!
  6. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I got some budget left, but I'm going to keep the coliseum walls. It'd be too much of hassle to try to come up with a coherent aesthetic for the walls. It may also compromise frame rate.

    Besides, I want the shrine looking things, the things with the brace tunnels, to stand out because that's where the power weapons spawn.

    I did actually put some thought into the silent lifts and decided not to install them the way you are suggesting for a few reasons. First, I want players to actually make the decision to jump up the lift so they wouldn't accidently be carried up the lift if they didn't want to be. At first, there were no shield doors and players wanted it to be more noticeable, so I added the shield doors. They work very well in drawing attention. Lastly, I needed the silent lifts to work with both default settings and MLG's settings, since I often play both settings. If the one-ways were any lower, they would not work consistently with MLG gametypes.

    The only thing with the initial spawning is that blue team has an initial advatange over the OS. Gonna make one last change to Blue's initial spawns and that's it.

    Also gonna bring one of the receiver nodes down to the ground. Will make one last update to the map and be done with it.

    Thanks for the comments.
    #6 Noooooch, May 1, 2012
    Last edited: May 1, 2012
  7. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    This is definitely my favorite of the maps you've released thus far.
    You took the room based aspect of Crypt, made it asymmetrical, opened up the connections between rooms, and added more dynamic elevations.

    I see what basketskate means about the lifts. I thought they would be teleporters too. It's not really an issue, though. After the first time, you know what's up (so to speak). My only concern when doing a walkthrough was the size of the center room. I can't help but think that it may be too large and too open for 4v4 play. I'd imagine you've already tested it, though, and that it must not be as big of an issue as it appears to be.

    Your exterior rooms are superb. Each one has a distinctive look, but none of them is so different that it seems like it doesn't belong on the map.
    It all looks and feels very cohesive. Nice Job!
  8. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Look at you going, Chunk! I always knew the forge was strong with this one.

    You're being pretty active over at THC as well, aren't you? We still need to play Sol, mate.

    OT: The map looks quite interesting, Nooch

    Way to go making those original doorways. More than I would ever bother with.

    I'll have to make sure to get some games on this sometime. Keep up the good work, Nooch. You're getting better by the map!
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Aside from the coli flooring this looks interesting. If I am ever on Reach feel free t invite me to test.
  10. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like the layout but it looks a little bit boring and grey, I think you need to use some other varied pieces to make it look a bit more exciting but I do like the layout :)
    #10 Robster95, May 1, 2012
    Last edited: May 1, 2012
  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like the way that you uniquely used some of those pieces. For example, the overshield platform (or whatever you want to call that particular use of the teleporter). And whatever piece you used as flooring under the focus rifle looks fantastic. The only thing I noticed was the receiver in the focus rifle room. Seems like it could be like a slightly overpowered camping spot (unless of course you have a door on even level with it within that line of sight).
  12. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pretty much nailed it right there Chunk. Memento is Crypt's asymmetrical, more vertical brother. It's similar in some aspects and different in others. Memento focuses on medium to long range sightlines whereas Crypt focuses on close to medium range.

    Both Memento and Crypt revolve around the center room. Next time around I will be sure to avoid 'Center Atrium' designs.

    I have, of course, tested the map several times now. The center room gets a fair amount of action, especially when the OS is up.

    I almost didn't bother with the doorways actually. To make a long story short, it was a headache. I'm glad it worked out in the end though because I like them a lot. Color-coded, clean.

    Let me know if you like it, or have any feedback.

    Moar coli walls? Ok!

    The dead teleporter node is actually a pretty common aesthetic for power-ups.

    I ended up bringing that receiver node to the ground, and deleting that crossbeam/narrow walkway thing altogether. It wasn't too campable, but it was a little too 'out there', especially for KotH (which doesn't play that well anyway).

    Thanks for the comments everyone. Memento is my last map for Reach.
  13. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    As Hulter said, "you're definitely getting better by the map!" I think this is the strongest in terms of both design and gameplay. I see some inspirations from old school HALO maps like damnation with some of the verticality. I see you've switched out the Grenade Launcher for OS. I'm a noob tube fanatic but I can understand the replacement. I also agree that the one way shield is hard to notice as a lift up. I only played the map once and never fully learned its placement. Again, can't ask fro better flow in a map. Looking forward to playing this in lobby again. Rock on Nooch!
    #13 WAR, May 4, 2012
    Last edited: May 4, 2012
  14. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I only swapped their locations, Warholic. The 60s GL now spawns in Red Room. YOU rock on! And it's a pro pipe, not a noob tube. ;)

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