Map - Sight

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Foxire, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Foxire

    Foxire Promethean

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    EDIT (4): 5/3/12 It is almost done, all is left are the placement of spawns and objectives. So far i have the spawns of Green, Yellow, Blue and Red and working on other spawns. Objectives have not yet been added yet. The testing of the map proved to work well, with only the fact of having only 20$ left for fixing anything.

    EDIT (3): 5/2/12 working, once again, very hard to get my map ready to go I encountered many flaws which I had to fix. Here are the updates I have gotten:
    1.) Deleted Big Staircases to second floor, replaced with Launchers that sit atop from both sides of Green and Yellow team bases. Launchers have Ramps to redirect you to second floor.
    2.) On top of ramps from update one, I places mongooses that can be used in battle.
    3.) Secret to Inside of Fourth Floor Room added.
    4.) Connected all teleports to work perfectly. (so far)
    5.) Third Floor is blocked off by Rocks to make the lack of space look like rocks caved in that part.
    6.) Cave gotten special effect lights to make cave feel more cave like.
    7.) Second and Bottom floor Bases are now one, with a grav lift to reach the top one.
    8.) Those bases are now Red and Blue bases based on the shades of light.
    9.) Only flaw is having only about 900$ left, going to need to work out how I’m going to place weapons about.
    These are the updates I have made today, if you still have an idea, please feel free to post them so I can see if I can work it out. (Drop down mesh idea is still under work, trying to see if I can make it so you can still lift it back up if needed.)

    EDIT(2): 5/1/12 After forging this morning, i have a lot of new things i have added, here are some:
    1. On Second Floor are two walkways from left and right side that lead to another set of buidings, These areas hold as fort areas with a few secerts on each one. Both also contain a walkway from one to another allowing holding a fort harder due to three to six ways to enter depending on game play.
    2. In the Thrid Floor there are now a two sided walkway up to a 3x3 Flat with a Teleport that sends you to the Fourth Floor.
    3. The caves were added and worked out nicely (since i found out how to make a rock blood red and make it look scary too.) And a teleport that i will soon figure out were i will place the way to get into there.
    4. The rock blocking the door to the secert room on the fourth floor was added.
    5. finshed walls with gaps on tower.
    6. Though up a new way to fight, Pixel Fighting (will explain if i can get it to work.)
    7. Built more on Sight.
    These are the Updates i made today, hoping i will get ideas to help me work on this map. Please try to explain your idea so i don't have to try to figure it out myself (unless it is easy to understand just reading the name.)
    8. OH! and also mistakingly made Outside Freedom in the caves so that works out well.

    EDIT: 4/30/12 A New Idea Has Been thought up that might change gameplay. Im going to test it, the idea is to have moveable objects inside buildings that allow you to create barricades and even a way to a higher point of the building. Every time i get and idea i will add it here as an EDIT (Number Here): To let you know.

    NOTE: I have posted another Post about this map, but I can't seem to find it. If someone is willing to direct me to it, i will have this deleted. In mean time, this will be used.

    My map, Sight that I’m working on is going great, but i would like ideas to work my map out. So far I will tell you what i have.

    This map is Called Sight; this is because this uses to be a great tower of power. But after some years of not being used, the metal has gotten weak from weather, causing it to sink into the water it stood on. Now only the top half stays above water, as for the rest, it is mostly underwater near some sort of cave (because you can hear waterfalls in the distance). Because of this, the map has rocks jutting out of places where there would be more tower space. The tower is six stories tall (not too tall of a tower i bet.) with only 3 above water and three below. But with the rocks jutting in the place, you have some caves that lead to new areas. The tower got the name Sight for being a great view of where it stood.

    Now that you know more about the map let me tell you some of the things i have in this map so you can get an idea of what i got going here. First off, we will work from bottom to top.

    ~~~~~Below Water~~~~~

    Bottom Floor: This floor comes with a lot of space to work around in. To get an idea of the space, it’s about a grid size floor, (due to rocks some of the room is cut off,) with buildings to head too. In each corner, there is, four boxes with that contain items for you to use in battle. In the middle is a circular staircase that goes to the 3rd floor. On the sides of that staircase are bigger staircases that lead to the 2nd floor. A Launcher in front of the Smaller Staircase that will launch you to the 3rd floor (This helps prevent camping on the 3rd floor.). On the left and right side ends of the room are two buildings that can hold as defense areas.
    Both of with are able to jump into the bigger Staircases to the 2nd floor. The front and back ends of the room also contain a building, which hold as a bigger better base. This contains the spawns for certain teams down there.

    Second Floor: This is a smaller floor with no walls (yet, I might add some.) that allow you to jump off to the bottom floor. The Small Staircase (the Small Staircases will be called SS and the bigger ones called BS) Cuts right through the middle of the room. Near the SS you can find holes that allow you drop down also. On the left and right sides you find BS’s (two) that lead up and down from the bottom floor and the 2nd floor. (At the moment there is nothing on this floor.)

    Third Floor: This is where the SS leads to, from here you can find also a whole witch the launcher comes to an end from. (You can go down the hole, but making it safely without killing yourself or being launched backup and be back where you were takes time to master.) This room comes with walls that make it so you can’t drop down. There is also nothing in this room yet.

    ~~~~~Above Water~~~~~

    Fourth Floor: Now this is where you can find the why this is called Sight. The third floor has been blocked off to get inside from because of some jutting rocks, so all you have is the walkway that goes all around. The way up to the fifth floor is Impossible without a jetpack, because the teleport that was the way up from Fourth floor is sealed. But lucky you, the tower were made to drop an extra Teleport on two sides of the walkway to teleport up. (Sometimes you might just send up on the other end. >: D) Also a teleport on another side leads to the Third Floor.

    Fifth Floor: This is special floor, for it is the only way to the Sixth Floor and also contains a great secret that could lead you to a nice area. Here you are blocked in by Walls but there are many holes. In the four corners you will find holes to drop down to the Fourth Floor. If you instead go out of one of the holes and climb up the walls (there tilted) you can make your way to the second half of the Fifth Floor (this would be another floor but is too short to be one.). In here you will see a great middle area with a powerful weapon but you have to act fast, for the area is concealed in powerful gases that plague the room. You have 10 seconds for you to grab the weapon and get out. (This prevents camping)

    Top Floor: More tilted walls lead up to the top floor. This is has a view and a teleport that leads nowhere (for the area that it would lead to is blocked by rocks, do you get where it leads?). Up here is a way to find another powerful weapon, but due to the lack of cover makes it a hard place to camp.

    -~-~-~-~-~- Special Places -~-~-~-~-~-~-

    Caves: If you find where the rocks make a hole you will enter the caves. In here contains three items that will really help you if you are in battle. (I will not tell you what is in there, that’s for you to find >: D)
    Inside the Blocked Fourth Floor: There is a way inside, but finding out how is so hard that even i had found it by accident. Inside the room contains a teleported that is stuck to a wall, making it unable to work unless moved. To move it is not so hard, but once you do get it loose, you can use the teleport on the Top Floor making it able to enter here easily. The only use of entering the room is brag rights for finding the way in. ( the way I found out was fooling with a man cannon when it launched me into the tower and bounced me into the room, so I made it a secret to get into there, DON’T BE LOOKING FOR A MAN CANNON IT WON’T BE THERE.) The only benefit other than brag rights is the DMR stuck into the wall.
    Outside Freedom: You can get outside, but doing that is almost as hard as getting into the Fourth Floor Secret, why is it so hard? Well this is because the only way to get across the big gap to freedom is hidden in the tower. Once you’re outside, there is only two ways back, Death and what you used to get across the first place. Only Reason to get outside is also from brag rights and so you can see how I built and where I built my map. Be warned thou, if you travel to far, you will be forced to turn back due to a soft kill bound to prevent you from going too far off.

    Now that you know more about my map do you have any ideas of which I can add on? Let me know when you posted by sending me a PM, so that way I can tell when you said something when I’m not looking on the forums.
    #1 Foxire, Apr 30, 2012
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  2. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I read ur other one, I just had an idea, simple but I think effective, at the entrance of a building put a drop down mech (incredibly easy to do) and have a barricade drop down so it a door sorta thing like a defender idea, I would say use a crate but tha will make it to hard I think :) thas my idea
  3. Foxire

    Foxire Promethean

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    Thanks for the Idea Robster95, i'll see what i can do. Also I'm going to update what i did so far today. So see if you get any ideas from that.

    Edited by merge:

    Sorry i can't watch video on my PC at the moment, so what was the video about? also i made my text rainbow colored due to the fact that it wil atract readers to read all the way through my post (a very long one at that.) By chance do you have an idea for my map?
    #3 Foxire, May 1, 2012
    Last edited: May 1, 2012
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    On the contrary while the text was vibrant and it attracted my attention it also made it distracting and in some places made it difficult to read.
  5. Foxire

    Foxire Promethean

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    True, thank you for the feedback. I will change that now. so there worn't be a rainbow look anymore :p

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