I'm listed on there somewhere. Please be sure to read my dislikes. If you've got a bunch of screaming kids in your party or you're playing a game type where you have to sit around and watch the game for half an hour whenever you die, don't bother inviting me please. And WELCOME TO FORGE HUB!!! Generally troll free, but... -hands can of troll spray- ...just in case...
Sign up for the Weekly TGIF Customs on Halo. You can get alot of fun there. We'll also do some random Customs every once and a while, look out on the lolbox for more info. You can also sign up for the Chess Tournament!
I am always up for a customs lobby if I am online. Plus I have a friend that can get big lobbys really fast, so if you are ever bored and want to play customs and I am online just message me.