First off, everybody loves the title! Ok, on to the problem that occured yesterday in Forge. So my friend and I were forging and for some reason I cannot begin to comprehend, she spawned four Wraiths and dropped them all in the water. For the next 45 minutes, both of us tried to get them out. They were now spawning every 30 seconds at the bottom and instantly exploding. I'm sure you are all aware that only four Wraiths can be present on a map. Therefore, we could not simply spawn another one and then hit delete all. As far as i can see, there are only four solutions. A. Delete the map and rebuild it (I really don't want to do this! It's a really good map and we were halfway through testing the map and tweaking it anyway.) B. Get our monitors as low as possible in the water and try and grab the Wraith and pull it out of the water before it explodes (tried and failed) C. Go Wraith fishing with a grid and try and pull them up (tried and failed) D. Mod the map somehow to get a fifth Wraith and then hit delete all (I don't know how to do this) Sorry for this long explanation. I guess I'm just asking if you guys know how to fix this... Preemptive thanks Writingrider
Hmm... Quite the predicament.i remember one time I was making a map and a friend dropped a spawn point in the water. We couldnt get it out and I already had about 50 spawn points set.well being the heinous that I am I simply grabbed a block set it to normal and sent it to the cover the spawn point. Perhaps you could do this and have the wraith spawn on top of the block to get it closer,repeat and when your done grab delete all and delete all the blocks too. Obviously you would use a thinner block then a 4by 4 tall.
if you press B the object just before it explodes it should bring up the menu. You'll be able to delete them all from there hopefully. If not, you're stuck. Just go to where they spawn and hammer the B button and hope it brings up the menu. That's all I can think of.
Yea i feel the pain about that. Don't restart your map, instead try this, how far down are they when they sapwn? if you have alteast 1 second before they explode your good. Take a grid and place it the point where you can stand but not drown, (have someone stand on it as you lower it slowly when they die, rise it back up a little.) the wratih(s) will spawn into the grid and not explode. Another way to do this is to get lucky amd have some friends all huddle where the wraith spawns and see who can grap it when it does. Good luck
Could you not just spawn a grid under them before the explode, and scoop them up? Assuming they are dropping and exploding and not just exploding. Nevermind, read that in the original post :/ I still believe that's your best bet aside from restarting the map.
Thanks everybody for your insight! Next time I get online (next week unfortunately) I'll try and see what I can do about it. This really is quite the predicament and this wasn't the only stupid thing my friend did. She also 'accidently' deleted all of the 1x2 blocks (15 of them) and assassinated me a million times while I was Forging. Probably the worst experience I've had on Reach, besides a Ghost glicth the first time I ever played.
hope things work out, even if you can't get the wriaths out, if you don't use them in your map it would make a great bomb sound during gameplay.
Way to think on the bright side [br][/br]Edited by merge: Is is why I forged alone for the longest time.i typically don't forge for real except with my closest friends I trust not to do this kind of thing.
Yeah they do sound pretty cool. I haven't played the map in customs since this event so I don't know how bad of an effect it will have. Occasionally the wreckage comes flying out of the water. Imagine if some mlg player was going against a noob and his only death was because he got killed by shrapnel! By the way I trust my friend pretty well, its just that she was bored of watching me tweaking respawn times.
yeah my friends buy stuff to when I change spawn times on thing. And am I you closest friend waterfall
Alternatively, you could get as close as possible and pound on the delete button. This will delete the wraith you are looking at, allowing you to spawn it back in, press B, and delete all.
That is what I did, and I failed. I wish there was an underwater vehicle in Reach. You could just scoot on down there and fix the problem. My friend who caused the problem is now determined to fix it by all means necisary...
save soon, save often, (also If you do make an irreversible mistake, open another map variant of the same type (erasing the "bad"(unsaved) copy), go back to your map, and you can start at that check point) as for your wraith problem, have you tried a combination of grav lifts and forge blocks to phase it up?, the spawn system uses the last "safe" location as its new spawn point, so phasing it up slowly could be an option (or you can set vehicles to indestructible in the game type)
Didn't read anything. ^ Spawn a grid, as it will extend your grab radius to the maximum length possible and see if you can grab it that way. Otherwise, rebuild it.