Blood Gulch Anniversary

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by JDHarbs19, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I really like that you tried to create each detail very close to the original, I see alot of remakes fail to bring in some of the details that made the maps unique and a blast to play. Its very hard at times to match everything up piece by piece, but I'd love to see you create a cover piece on top of the bases other than the 1x1 block :) itd just look nicer I think. I feel that maybe you can decorate the walls somewhat, I just never really was into the colliseum walls plain appearance to block off other areas or sightlines. As far as the walls being used underneath the bases thats understandable and I feel that it could grow on me in time, but if I was going to use them Id also make metal cover that mimics the cover the rocks create instead of just placing the rocks on the metal as they are now.

    Thats just my opinion of course, and Im a big fan of Grounded, you have influenced me to try my hand at a zanzibar remake in the future when I get the time :). Keep up the great work and I am really liking this remake of blood gulch, I cant stand hemmorage lol.
  2. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Got a bit of a breakthrough yesterday. I was able to recreate the cover pieces on the bases to near-perfection so you won't be trusting your life to those 1x1 Flats anymore. I'll try and put a pic soon.

    Anyway, for those of you wanting to know the progress of the map I'm glad to say with the help of Spar7an 094 I was able to get the map pretty much finished earlier in the week. All that is left is a little bit of clean up and polish here and there which I may just wait and do after I release the map. I'm pretty sure someone is going to find something wrong with it that I can fix anyway so a version 2 of the map is almost guaranteed.

    I should be releasing the map sometime this weekend or early next week. Thanks to everyone who helped, and sorry for the long wait guys but I got a little hooked on Halo PC ever since OpenSauce v3 released. I have been playing a ton of Blood Gulch though so the map should be stellar once you download it and start playing.
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I have to say, this remake puts mine to shame. You have clearly spend a more considerable amount of time than i did completely remaking Blood Gulch and have produced completely extra-ordinary results. Great job!
  4. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Looks good, everything seems accurate, is there that little hole that you can go in and snipe the base? What about that spot you can get up with the banshee? The cave looks amazing, but where's the flame thrower? (Troll face)
  5. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    If you are referring to the mini cave behind Blue base, then yes.

    If you mean that little spike-like thing on the cliff of Blue-base side then yes I will be leaving that area there and not put a kill barrier over it.

    I've since made some slight modifications to the cave as you can see in the photo the water level by OS spawn is actually the ground level in the original so I put a 5x5 flat block in there.

    Unfortunately, no flamethrower. :( I do plan on making two different variants of my map though. 1 default version and 1 heavy variant. I'll be using the PC layout for the heavy variant, and the original Xbox layout for the default. I've since made a slight adjustment to the vehicle layout of the xbox version as I replaced 1 of the 3 Warthogs on each side with 1 Ghost which adds a little more vehicle variety, but still allows you to play the map with Indestructible Vehicles turned on in the custom settings as the players aren't enclosed in those vehicles so they can still be killed unlike vehicles such as the Banshee and Scorpion which will make you invulnerable with Indestructible Vehicles turned on. With that said, I wouldn't play the PC version with those settings.

    ANEVILSPAR7AN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great update JD, looking forward to seeing this map finally released. Besides general cleanup, what else do you think has to be done?
  7. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Looking for 16 players to help get a test in on this tonight. I'm online right now. Feel free to join me (GT = JDHarbs19)
  8. JDHarbs19

    JDHarbs19 Forerunner

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    Alright everyone I should've posted this awhile ago, but I tried to get the map out before the file system went down and ran out of time.

    As soon as the file system gets back up this Summer I'll get some screens and post a proper release thread, but until then you can find v1 of the map in my file share.

    Enjoy :)
  9. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yup this blackout is messing with everything.
  10. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Actualy I've played plenty of Valhalla remakes including mine and it plays quite well with reach, odiously not as well as halo 3 but still realy good
  11. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The only thing without a mod for Valhalla you can make is the bases.
  12. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah that is true to make that hill in the middle is near on impossible but thas bout it tha you can't make tbh and the snow Odviously
  13. Atik

    Atik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Has anyone tried using walls instead of rocks for the center hill?

    I've never been one for straight remakes, but it seems like Colloseum walls and stuff would work better than all those damn rocks.
  14. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hmmm you can.... But it realy doesn't look right I mean not in the way as in it doesn't look like the original but I mean it just generally doesn't look right but you might or someone might get it just right, I mean I'll try it again if I can but I couldn't get it right last time :/

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