I love Invader Zim! I just realized your piggy was from invader zim, Zstrike! -- Bow down! Bow Down! Before the power of Santa! Or be crushed! Be crushed! By... HIS JOLLY BOOTS OF DOOM! --
Mai Sig nao plz? - Sig colours - Text - GoodWhaleSushi for Loyal 08 Main colour - Anything Secondary colours - Anything - Font Used - Font - Anything suitable - Signature size - Size - Default Style - Awesome. (Non-halo. Find something cool for me(A picture of Sushi or maybe a Jet Set Radio Future character for me)) - Avatar - Avatar - Yes
OMG JSRF FTW!!!! i loved zero beat, i only had him unlocked for a little while though, otherwise i used corn. that game was awesomesauce.
BEST. GAME. EVER. Better than Morrowind. That's right. JSRF FTW!!!!! See, I have awesome taste in games.
allright...now for mine, it should be slightly more complicated then the rest..though, it'll fit everything i need in one...hopefully... What i will do is pic by pic this should only consist of 4 basic ones for now i think... 1st pic..will consist of Me on left side, somewhat raised up about 3/4 of the sig with my emblem http://www.bungie.net/Stats/halo2emblem.ashx?s=90&0=0&1=27&2=19&3=2&fi=4&bi=13&fl=0&m=1 and Under that will be Tex right side would be Shad0w Viper and his emblem http://www.bungie.net/Stats/halo2emblem.ashx?s=90&0=2&1=0&2=2&3=0&fi=38&bi=27&fl=1&m=1 that would be in a simliar fashioned to what u have for the left side In the middle would be the words : The ABCrew Present to You All the font should be in : http://www.dafont.com/fantastic-pete.font The style throughout this first pic can be whatever you feel appropriate, i loved what u did with shadows sig, so im curious as to what you can do here... 2nd pic: with the words floating smoothly through somewhere : Watch your head if you really want them rockets... 3rd pic: with the words floating through somewhere : Don't cry when you can't reach that one flag... 4th pic and last pic : An all black screen with the words coming at the reader : Click to Download, you won't regret it... Throughout all these pictures, i would like them to fade to eachother, like pic2 goes black, then black goes pic3... I hope that this all makes sense now, when i see it in my head, i get so excited...because i know you can come up with some crazy ****... EDIT: i know that the size differences in the pics are waaay off, but i was hoping you would still be able to manage... EDIT AGAIN: I was also hoping you would be able to spice up the pics with maybe some cool borders...idk, just thinking EDIT AGAIN AGAIN: From Present to you, to The ABCrew present to you
Yes reaper, where would I be without you lol? The pigs own. My sig and avatar wouldn't be the same otherwise. Thank you again :] and of course Rain too, for making Reapers awesome sig a next gen sig :]
Yes until i am not using elements version 2 (dammit) im stuck making bad sigs lol its doesnt even have the pen tool.
Omg no Pen Tool, pwnt And Tex, I did say I wasn't doing any more Halo sigs, Re: Front Page? I might think about it 'cause it sounds interesting, also mega load time for slow net users =D
STOP DEMANDING STUFF!!! you're lucky that he even agreed to make you anything, he is doing it to show that you are helpful or mege, with no personal gain, and you demand stuff from him?!?! *shakes head* for shame...
Lol, I am sure you thought the same before you got your sig done... lol... But Reyn, it kinda seems like everyone is "speeshul." So everyone stop requesting crap... he'll make it if (and only if) he deems you special.
nah moore, i always knew i was speshul lol it's just annoying that you demand things of him, because you know what they say: beggars can't be choosers