The Jungle Gym! Test your Jumping, Dodging and Thinking skills and see if you are able to Complete this crazy orbstacle corse! Game Variant: Any kind of Slayer First Test! Can you Mongoose! Brute Jumping! More Jumping! Splaterspree! 1, 2, 3 Jump! Jump, Dodge and Jump Note: Not all the Obstacles are shown in these screenshots...
looks nice seen lots of maps like this like the one that u can get recon if u finish it one bad thing to say is try not to take pics of a game in forge it looks better when u do it from a costom game
Looks, .... interesting. But Like another member said make sure not to take the pictures in the forge option because we don't really like seeing the spawn points. Also maybe try taking the pictures in a little less action, so we can get a taste of the action, but not enough so we have to download it to see more. That's just my advice.
we took the pictures in forge because it would take too long to do all the obstacles in slayer so the easyest way was in forge, sorry abwt that guys
Ok, I tested this and it's pretty fun. The puzzles are original too. Some suggestions Eliminate some of the fusion coil obstacles, I would go with the giant room with lots of man cannons. That one isn't very hard. Also the noise gets annoying. Put in the description that this has some puzzles in the map. When i got to a room with what seemed like no way out I gave up and then later figured out there was a turret. I just assumed this was a test of jumping skills and whatnot. Maybe make a game setting for it so you know when you have beaten the course. The good - I definately liked the jumping obstacles. They were pretty easy for me, though, because im a jumping master =) The mongoose thing was fun too, but seemed a little easy. The room with the blown up warthogs was original, and hard to get through without dying. Also - I think you should somehow make the mongoose part harder to get past by. Good map overall though, 3/5
... oh, you gave up on the turrent part, you should know that, gosh! and it isn't just jumping if you acuttly read the discription at the start! and some of them are sposed to b easy. by da way, wats at the last obsacle at the end??
Lol. All's you need to do is start up a game in customs, then go to theater and fly around and take pictures. =]. But it looks good nonetheless.
thx chill and the main thing way i took the pics in forge was so if i made it far and die i could just fly 2 the spot i needed.and yes i could do that in theter but showing people in the pic can make the pics better too and easy to see what the pics it on about but thank you anyway
Good point. Your map wouldn't have interested me without seeing the action. =]. Well, I played it yesterday and all that I have to say is that your map is fun as hell to play. I usually delete these obstacle kind of maps, but I kept yours. Nice job!
thx to hear that my map it doing good i have been thinking of make a new 1 to it will be the same in a way but also not lmao.coz i have a lots more new jump tricks just dono if ill show people cos they are realy good but if i do end up making them ill let u know =)