This is a great point. There is always politics when it comes to matchmaking. In MLG, Salot knew many pros, so all of his maps were seriously considered for the circuit. Baron was Good friends with Tak, so all of his maps were tested for the circuit. This is no different. Like getting a job: you have to know people to move up. EDIT: Now go buy Trials
Synapse is staying btw... It even got an updated version. Its an Onslaught clone... Why we hating? Hopefully we do see a lot of the shitastic maps (Think Twice) go away. Oh, and enjoy the new Select, which is here to stay. Apparently its one of Laskan's favorite forge maps... Woulda rather it get replaced with Despair though... Oh, and suck it. @Exzamples: I'm seriously considering it.... But I'm poor. :/
Sanctuary is about has exciting as watching a game of Dino Blasters on Blood Gulch. Comparatively, it's better than Enclosed, I guess. It's literally the most boring/predictable map ever made.
Oh, btw, apparently I'm not butthurt because bad maps got in... I'm butthurt because Imago is better than my garbage map. And I'm also an embarrassment to the forge community. :O Guys, I'm so terribly sorry that I've brought shame upon our prestigious enclave of nerdom. I'll renounce my life of substance abuse and debauchery this instance! Please forgive my ineptitude!
Oh, and since people want to bust my balls for saying Imago sucks, I'll post my reasoning again in here. 1. A total of 4 paths across map 2. A overly exposed bottom level (grass level) that is at a major disadvantage to the higher outlying paths. 3. A massive wall separating the map, ala The Pit. 4. The high points of the map are the middle of the outside paths because the ground slants up. 5. Snipers spawning in the bases. 6. The backs of the bases are too easy to hold down and camp at, especially because of the mechanics of the DMR and having a Sniper spawn nearby. 7. The Rocket spawn is easy to camp because of how the rock walling juts inwards in the map. 8. The spawn system is crap. But Redemption will tell you he's got it down to a almost perfect system as spawn killing only has a "0.4%" of occurring, according to his math. True quote. So yes, the map blows and not because it doesn't tickle my fancy. Not that my fancy is easy to tickle... But still.
The saddest part about Asylum is that the screenlag is ATROCIOUS, which the sniper is usable 50% of the time when zooming. So 343 is pretty much taking Bungie's legacy over full compatibility at the very least. As for all the garbage maps in MM, it makes me want to have NO voting system whatsoever, or else go back to the Halo 3 veto system. I'm sick and tired of playing maps like the cage over and over, as well as playing Sanctuary and Pit in MLG. I hope at least one person opens their eyes and agrees with me.
In all honesty, I don't think there was ever a possibility of everyone being pleased with the maps that made it into MM, regardless of the actual outcome we see here. The only map that doesn't belong whatsoever is Pulse and I don't feel the need to **** on the rest of them. Refuge not making it into MM was a huge blow to the community IMO- everyone seems to love Asylum and I can only imagine the reception to a much better version would have been overwhelmingly positive. I enjoy the ability to vote on maps, but I've always felt that if there is a tie, it should randomly select one of them...unless it's a tie between Slayer and Slayer DMRs, in which case it should always go to DMRs
To tell you the truth, i miss cliff-hanger. Hate me all you want but that map was about as fun as it gets. No it wasnt a very aesthetic map nor did it take a whole lot of effort to be built, but that was one of the few maps bungie nailed. Spawning wasnt bad either. Gameplay>Aesthetics
Sanctuary is a great competitive map. It's a perfect example of how a simple design with obvious control points can still be interesting and provide different wrinkles each time you play it. Enclosed, on the other hand, is incredibly terrible. I'm not quite sure why you're butthurt, but Schnitz, you need to drop this personal vendetta you have against Redemption. Even if you don't like the guy or his maps, it's starting to come across as extremely petty. You told a guy who posts on this forum to "eat **** and die"? I'm not a big fan of Imago either, but I think I can refrain from telling him to eat **** and die because of it.
in all this bleh bleh bleh posting and complaining is anyone gona say what maps actually got into match making or is this just a complaining thread. Cuz if it is it is useless. And your links to the supposed thread OP just go to search engine.
Ehm, the links to go Halowaypoint. Maybe your browser is set up wrong. And the OP says what new maps are getting in.
The very first post lists them all. And another one on the first page lists off all the ones that got in, and all the ones that got denied.
Aesthetics might be more important than gameplay, but that map had neither, so I'm not sure what you saw in it. I also have a hard time believing you never had a bad spawn, simply because I never had a good spawn. If this is your idea of a good map, I assume you also quite enjoy Enclosed, Synapse and all the other amazing forge maps in Matchmaking. I looked at all the new maps in forge and nothing really surprised me. Seems like all the same maps that have gone through before: Overly simple symmetric maps and asymmetric maps too afraid to unique. All in all though, they should play better than their predecessors (Think Twice, any other AZN map, and every other forge map).
BOLD: I hope some one kicks you in the nuts for that. Sadly, the AZN maps and all the rest seem to be staying in... For now... And you suckers are stuck with Select for good. Haha.
I'm just saying I found the map pretty fun. It was easy to get around, weapons were well placed, and it was great for FFA And no I hate enclosed/synapse with a passion