Invasion:Skyward Part II

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TheOlympusPrime, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    Here I am again, posting another map, which is either the first or second specific themed map, and as you may or may not remember, the previous map was Skyward, a small team/FFA map centered around the radius of a space rocket ship, it was nice for a small map. But, why have a map with potential only shine only a little? Why not go bigger, brighter? Well, it is starting to outshine Skyward Part I in my eyes. Already. Ever think it would be cool to change it up a bit? Invasion? So do I. With this map, I'm attempting something crazy that could either turn up a complete, waste of time failure, or a success.

    Well here's what the plan is:

    Elites defend, Spartans attack.
    The objective is to enter the base, fuel up the rocket, and put the core into the rocket, powering it up to launch.

    Phase 1: Knock down the shields blocking you from entering through the slanted walls of the base. (Now this phase is a nod to the classic invasion style reminiscent to Boneyard Phase 1.)

    Phase 2: Pull a turret broken tank next to a pipeline connecting to the rocket and use the tanks fuel and transfer it to the rocket. (Now this is where the game changes up a bit, you actually bring a damaged, broken turret tank to a haven by the rocket. Leave it there for about 20 seconds, and your another step closer to launching the rocket.)

    Phase 3: The rocket is useless without power,walk into the fight and deliver a captured Covenant power core to the rocket to power it up. (This is where it will get chaotic. Instead of running away with a core, you actually deliver it into the middle of the battlefield. This is the phase called SUICIDE!)

    The plan for invasion has now been talked about, let get into other plans for the map.

    VIP: inspired by the Halo 3 VIP game type, you must either defend the VIP from attackers or attack and plant a bomb onto the VIP player himself.

    Assault: Take a bomb, and plant a bomb on the space rocket.

    And many others will be revealed when the map releases.

    Teaser pictures, NOTICE!!! All game types and object placements shown are subject to change!!!






    Sorry for the low quality and probably non-embedded pictures, I haven't been near a computer for a while, and the blackout.

    Well Mostly showed you all the playing field of phase 1, more will come soon, children.
    ETA for the map, within a month. Any questions? Ask below. As always, thanks for the interest. I promise you, this map will be a map built for the community, if you have any suggestions or ideas you would like to add, please tell.

    Second notice! Everything and anything are subject to change!

    Update II: Fixed pictures, Frechys has tagged along to build the map, he is putting in some of his work onto the map as I leave for vacation over the weekend.
    #1 TheOlympusPrime, Apr 25, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2012
  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    On phase 2 there is no way to make a tank have to move from one place to another. Anyone can cap the objective at any time. Plus a tank staying in the same place with elites on defense = A tank covered in sticky nades. Bringing a core towards the enemy spawn seems like a bad idea, as you will have to greatly overcompensate for the spartans. The reason assault works for invasion is because you have to move AND arm it. With a core all you have to do is get it there. Phase 3 is then either very easy or becomes a cluster of nades, swords, and conc. rifles as soon as the core gets too close. And of course drop shields.

    Of course if this is meant as casual invasion you can do whatever you want.
  3. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm not so sure about that it may be possible to get the tank to BE the objective and say have a 20 second timer idk just a idea never played with that but I agree with the tank covered in nades comment and what if a elite blows up your tank? Now the whole game is stopped.
  4. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    Thanks for the advice! Like I said, things are subject to change. Thank you very much for the knowledge and the comment. I plan to work with Berb on this map, so, eh, who knows how it's going to turn out? The plans for this are just ideas, they aren't the actual thing. The enemy spawn is planned to be about the same distance from the objective placement point as the other team. Again, this map is either going to turn into a total failure or devine success. Either way, it doesn't hurt to try something new. :D

    Edited by merge:

    Oh, to waterfall ninja, I think I remember something about when you have a hill or marker on a vehicle, it is indestructible. I guess I'll ply around with it, see what I can figure out.
    #4 TheOlympusPrime, Apr 25, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2012
  5. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    If the vehicle is indestructible how will you blow the top off? This seems like a real cool idea but who knows if it's possible?if you can't get the top to blow off and have it working maybe try with a mongoose slightly more maneuverable and you don't need to blow it up. It idk well have to see if you need some help just send me a message because you've got me interested and I kinda want to try this.
  6. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    Thanks water fall! What I mean is you can't explode he tank to the point of non-usability, but you can pop the top off with a vehicle mine. I'll have to see your forgings before I receive your help. Hit me up sometime online.
  7. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Oh haha not very many maps I think worthy of showing because I usually make aesthetic maps but I like infection and invasion maps I make them sometimes when I get ideas which is not very working on a co-forge now,actually I'm working on two co-forges maybe I could show you those when they are finished but I usually don't make competive maps.i have a good layout but I'm not going to build it for a while.
  8. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    Fixed pictures, more info: As of now, the map seems to be remincent to Boneyard Invasion. Changes to the map are coming on along very nice. Frenchys has tagged along, and we are nearly finished with the walls around the map and buildings. What's left is a touch up of aesthetic detail along with fixing bugs, destroying possible camping spots, and planning other unique gametypes are soon to come. Thanks everyone for the interest and advice! I'll check back here Monday afternoon.
  9. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pics actually don't look bad. Olympus I just have this to say: Please focus on gameplay from a professional standpoint and don't just focus on gimics. A tank objective and a reverse core run seem really cool, but believe me in saying that having a map that provides a great, team based invasion game is way better when all is said and done. I have been down the road of, "I'm going to do something as cool as campaign and make this invasion game extremely different that anything else," and it ends in, "oh... this doesn't work because the game is meant to work like this..." This is why Meteora has had over 20 definitive versions over the last 10 months.

    In the end it's your choice, but believe me when you start to understand the gametype better cool ideas now will seem less important. You can still do awesome stuff with the gametype, but remember that it isn't campaign and that you need to follow some of the restrictions of the game.

    Good luck on the map!
  10. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Asthetics are my thing.

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