Guess what? You're not entitled to make the changes here, because you didn't make the map. If Rob wants to keep the map a "half secret" (I call it a half secret because he posted the pictures already), then guess what? He can do that. You know why? Because he made the map. This is not the way to follow up an apology blog, by bashing a map creator for invalid points and half-ass arguments.
He is saying that if you find yourself with the ability to spawn kill then just note it down to tell him later and not spawn kill as it just wastes time testing.
I'm not bashing him and I wouldn't want to change the map (for it's not mine). And I really don't care if he calls it a "half-secret". It effects me in no way, shape, or form if it's a secret. I was just stating my opinion that I think it is a stupid idea.
Fix your grammar I mean really. "you WAS spamming my profile" And goat was just saying that your posts always seem Ill thought out.
Actually you need to fix the capitalized I in "Ill". Fix your mistake. Also "Fix your grammer I mean really." is a run-on sentence.
What? No... seriously... what? Does that even qualify as a response? Do you want a rebuttal? Did I miss something?
Damn dude don't you know when to quit? Or at least when to stop and THINK about what your saying or reading.he was saying if you weren't trying to "bash " anybody or if it affects you in "no way shape or form" then why make yourself look arrogant. I agree with him that is not how to follow a apology blog by doing the same thing you said you were sorry far even more. [br][/br]Edited by merge: No it does not it was just retarded.and a very poorly thought out attempt to come back at you.
I apoligized for saying stupid things. This; however, I firmly believe in and I have a right to voice my opinion.
Honestly don't care about spelling and stuff and run on sentences as long as you get your point across but it's stuff like you was that annoy me because it conveys so much arrogance and ignorance.
This is the internet, not the united states. However, if you are going to take the time to babble off you opinion, you should at least present it in a polite and reasonable fashion. Especially in the events where it "has no effect" on you. What you did was come in here, acting like you own the place and talking down to the map creator over what he had decided to do. And the second you were called on it, pulled a 180 and went on the defensive. A good debater these tactics do not make....
Not on your case for your "stupid comment"about spawn killing. honestly I don't care everybody's just annoyed that you keep making yourself look ignorant .but you continue to start **** with other members you may not see it as this and that's fine but the rest of us see it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Again not reading or thinking retread that post and THINK about what I said. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Exactly what I was trying to say but they don't make what? Lol
You called how he is publishing his map on here "stupid". And without even playing the map, you say that it is "probably bad". The quotes, by the way, are your own words.
God, did you look at a SINGLE character I typed? I called it a "half secret." If it didn't effect you, why did you post it? You wouldn't do anything if there was no motive behind it. I really don't know why he called it a secret TBH, but you don't have the right to judge. [br][/br]Edited by merge: You are correct, sir; You didn't bash his map. You bashed the way he presented his map, and in doing that you bashed his map by saying that it was "probably bad if you have to keep it a secret". That does not make sense in any sense of the word. I suggest you just stop while you are ahead wait, sorry, you are already behind. Take third before you hit last.
WOW EVERYONE, calm down, elite is entitled to his own opinion but I was annoyed and it does annoy me when people say that a map is probably bad when they haven't even played on it let alone seen a picture, I thank everyone for supporting me on what I said and that but I wasn't asking for an arguement, there's pics on there now so I'm happy for him to judge for himself, if he doesn't like it... fine he doesn't play it but please dont have an arguement. Right time for the comments that aren't argument excetra excetra, the map might look fairly open but that is slightly needed due to scorpion tanks but it also means that it is fairly easy to take down a scorpion tank and warthog so it does have its advantages, as for the person who has issues with the cranes ( srry I dunno your name, my bad) they are simple but I did that first to go with ' Dust-Off' and because I needed a cheap but good way to make cranes, if i had more budget they would be more detailed dw. As for everyone else who has said it looks promising, thanks it took me a long time and comments like that mean a lot More pics will be uploaded a bit later if I can, and remember KEEP SIGNING UP I need your help Okay I might be back later with more pics and MAYBE, not certain a new map!! Thanks all, Slashed