Red spartans

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PA1NTS, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Is it just me? Or does red team always get a better spawn/better power weapons off start. Come to think of it, most of my friends ***** about Red Team getting an upper hand. Let me know what you think. Does Red Team really have the advantage?
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    From my understanding, back in H3, Red team was composed of the players who were more likely to win the match based on statistical information from bnet.

    I have no clue whether or not this was instilled into Reach matchmaking.

    But maybe, idk.

    Or maybe your friends are just looking for another outlet to explain why they never win.
  3. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    It somehow almost always happens to me that Red Team uses and wastes lots of equipment(Weapons, Grenades, Vehicles) and Blue team is mostly barebones.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    This is a weird question.

    On any symmetrical map, initial spawns and access to weapons/vehicles should be identical.

    On any asymm map which is multi-purpose (set up for objective games and not just slayer - which describes all matchmaking maps, I think), blue team is the "attacking" team and red team is defending. Typically this means red team spawns in a more defensive position - higher ground, or something more structurally sound - while blue team spawns somewhere more tenuous, often just an open area with no real structure. That's assuming the spawns for slayer and objective games are the same, which they usually are (though not always - Last Resort in H3 was one exception, off the top of my head).

    Each team's access to power weapons is often determined by which weapons are most useful to each team, and how hard it is to attack or defend given the map layout. One notable example: High Ground in H3 gave rockets and sniper to blue team, because red team's position (uphill and fortified) meant that they needed it. (In slayer, red team could use a mongoose to contest the rockets because the gate was open, but even then it was still easier for blue team to get them; in objective games, blue team owned rockets and could usually also roll up and get camo on top of it, though often you'd have to use a rocket to keep red team away from that spot.)

    Several of Reach's asymm maps give the jump on rockets to red team though: Powerhouse (technically these rockets are neutral but red always can get there first), Boardwalk (kind of the same situation - blue can actually get there first if they are good at tac jumps, but red has a stronger position by far), Reflection (rockets are purely red team-owned here). In exchange, red team gets a sniper and sword on Reflection, and a shotgun and focus rifle on Powerhouse. Boardwalk is a weird case in that red team really gets nothing to make up for the disparity in the rocket location; this plus the map's flag location makes one-sided objective games mostly an exercise in frustration, unless your team is a lot better than the other one.

    Basically it depends on the map, but most of them are pretty balanced.
  5. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This guy knows what he's talking about ^ On a related note, does anybody know why red Spartans fight blue Spartans anyway? I mean no, in not being dumb, I've killed the opposing color team for years and years in halo, I get it, but at the sane time you wonder why? Supposedly there is an actual reason/story as to why the two teams fight each other in halo 4. An actual reason, other than the purpose of matchmaking, doesn't exist in reach I don't think. But it will be interesting to see where they go with this red vs blue stuff in H4.
  6. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    If you read some of the literature, you'll see that the Spartan II's were split into two groups, Red and Blue. This was to cause some form of competition between the two teams as each worked to out-do the other in both training and on the battlefield. The team that did better was then "better" than the other team, so then they would compete to see who could complete missions the fastest and most efficient.
  7. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    No, Red does have better spawns. On Penance, you can do a four man tele porter rush and instantly have the rafters to yourself. On Beaver Creek, red team spawns right next to rocket arch. On Powerhouse, Red team beats blue to rockets. On Swordbase, Red spawns near the top of yellow lift. It's most definitely unbalanced. But like Nutduster said, there's some strategy in Bungie's intention. They wanted one team to have map control while the other team possessed power weapons. I'm just not a fan of asymmetrical maps.
  8. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I'm surprised no one mentioned Pinnacle yet; that red spawn tower, the "tower of power" as I've heard it called, is usually the center of gameplay in my experience, and red spawns there. The sniper is just outside the tower for red, it offers far more protection than the blue sniper tower, and the two or three ways to approach it generally offer poor cover: the bridge from green/the banshee platform has no cover from DMR fire, the main entrance requires a player to run up the drawbridge-like bridge from the middle area or from the red sniper, which is easily naded; and the only other way in is jetpack in games that support it, and there isn't cover in the sky.

    Also, speaking of jetpack, red can take the positional advantage from blue (blue has elevator spawn, right?) on Reflection using that OP jetpack. That's for another thread. But anyway, a red player with jetpack can grab rockets uncontested, then fly up and rocket the blue sniper right off the spawn, along with any unfortunate other blue fellows caught off-guard. Done easily, it is hard to defend against and if successful red gets rockets, sniper, shotgun and the positional advantage in the first 20 seconds of the game. Blue cannot counter nearly as effectively. I think that's just a bit unfair. Of course, without jetpack, the map works as intended.

    So yeah, I'd say red can have some easy advantages on some maps, but I'd have to seriously analyze all of the maps before making the statement that red gets the advantage on any asymmetric map.
  9. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    If the color spawning is unbalanced, it doesn't really matter because the chance of you being on the red or the blue team is random (as far as I'm aware), so if you're blue one match and lose because of it, there's a chance you'll be red the next match and kick some ass.
    But honestly, if your team is significantly better than the other team, it won't matter because you'll beat them anyway.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    This. Most maps its not true, an the ones where red has a slight advantage... they'll probably be blue next time so don't worry about it. It's not that big of a deal, I think. As it was pointed out, Red is defense, Blue is offense. It also really only pertains to the first few minutes of the match, since anyone from blue can get a weapon from red side later in the game. (and vice versa)
  11. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    I don't know how to answer the spawn question, though I do have something related.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but, in case of a tie, the game would always favor red team, I think. Example: There is a youtube series called H3 Mythbusters by DTH. In one of the myths, a red ghost and a blue ghost would try to splatter each other and, 9 times out of 10, the game favored red and credited red with the splatter. Thought it was interesting.

    As for why red and blue are fighting, H4 has an explanation that it's all simulations. Personally, I'm more interested in the fiction behind the maps (like Blood Gulch).
  12. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Spawns are balanced I'm pretty sure mostly because if it was a huge advantage there would be a large amount of complaining just like there would be if one team got 2 snipers while other team got 1 on a symmetrical map.

    2nd reason is I'm pretty sure Bungie balanced the maps the best they could taking into consideration of every detail.

    I think the reason some people may think some maps are unbalanced is because the spawns on one side disadvantage there play style aka:One side spawns with snipers other side spawns with vehicles (in moderation to balance) but if you spawn at side with snipers and you can't snipe or spawn at vehicle side and can't drive your going to be like "dam this side sucks whys other team always get the better side)

    But it may not always be as obvious as that, Meaning if your better at fighting on certain terrain and other side spawns at that terrain the other team is more likely to fight on that terrain meaning you going to be thinking "I always do better on that team(because you better at that terrain) there got the better side"

    Unless its a symmetrical map, Maps will have advantages and disadvantages to each side which will directly correlate with your play style advantages and disadvantages consciously or subconsciously and a map can and usually is balanced despite that fact.

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