3D Animated Youtube Intros

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Loscocco, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ohay, I was wondering if I could get some feedback on the YouTube intro and ending clips that I made with Cinema 4D. I tried to keep it pretty simple, but here it is:

    intros - YouTube

    Hope you like them :)
  2. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks really good, i cant begin to imagine what went into making those, 3d animation has always seemed tricky to me.
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks :)
    It's not as tricky as it looks. After watching a few Youtube tutorials and messing around a few times, you get the hang of animation; some things are much more difficult than others: 10 second, basic intros are pretty simple, 5 minute character animations without using motion capture technology is far more complicated.

    Intro's take me like 30mins max.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    pretty cool from a beginner's persepctive.

    the shatter seems like it could be better, but i'm not familiar with C4D.

    The render could definitely look way sexier.

    Get maya dude, I'll show you how to make that look super ****in awesome.
  5. XBLGhasm

    XBLGhasm Promethean

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    We all have to start somewhere and this is how I started out about a year ago. Keep looking these up and learning. After a while you get a really good feel for the program and will be able to do a lot more.

    As far as how practical it is, this is not something you'd want your intro to look like. The sound effect is clearly weak so I suggest looking up people's GFX sound effects packs.

    The intros for these videos I made in C4D.

    New Intro! - YouTube

    Minecraft - SkyBlock Challenge Part 12 - YouTube
    The Minecraft animation took a VERY long time but majority of this was learning how to rig and texture the model.

    As far as starting out goes, pretty damn good, certainly better than me :)

    My tip is practice. There are loads of people out there who want intros, a good place to find people to make intros for to practice is on the FaZeClan's youtube channel under there channel comments. Put a post up and I guarantee a reply in about 4-5 minutes. If you need help with anything like that, let me know.

    My Skype is "XBLGhasm"

  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    If you would like one to practice on, I would love to have one of even that standered for now. :p Looks pretty good, obviously not great but I'd say it's something you should keep on doing. :)

    If you want to do one for me, message me on here though I may not reply, in the case of that just get at me on youtube. That way you can see I'm putting out decent content too. :p

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