
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by bullet2thehead9, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello everybody today i am posting my map Inverse.Inverse is a Inverse symmetrical that was made for the library matchmaking slayer thing. Inverse is best suited for 6-10 players. It is mid sized and plays well with both slayer and objective gametypes. It was made by me bullet2thehead9 and SkintSNIPER 262.


    DMR x6
    Assualt Rifle x2
    Needle Rifle x4
    GL x2
    Siper x2
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Spiker x2
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x2
    Health Pack x4


    Please comment on what you think and dont forget to DOWNLOAD
    #1 bullet2thehead9, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Sweet Jesus, it's beautiful. DAT SPAWN CAMERA. Nice work, I'd try to get a game on it, but little bro's playing Skyrim.
  3. SawtoothMoney86

    SawtoothMoney86 Forerunner

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    wow i really like how the blocks all blend together to create a truly unique piece of art with great geometry, also the layout allows the map to be a big maze of understandable tunnels and great use of pieces overall great map
  4. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    thank you both for the comments and I appreciate all the compliments. Also when me and SkintSNIPER 262 were making the map we were going for a nice simple layout that would be easy to understand, which would put all players on a even playing field. I was also going for a map that was clean and aesthetically pleasing.
  5. ArmadillosTHFC

    ArmadillosTHFC Promethean

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    this map is sexy. i love the aesthetics, and that spawn camera is epic. i'm glad i've got you onboard with my map, because this is amazing
  6. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comment armadillo when we were making this map I wanted to make sure the spawn camera was very appealing therefore giving the map a great first impression.
  7. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    This map is very good on Team Slayer, but it has serious problems for CTF. The spawn time is way too short (you hear that 343?), and the spawns were right on top of the flag which is very bad. When I played, I killed half their team, got to the flag, and was killed almost immediatly due to them being right there.

    Team Slayer was a different story. The map promoted heavy teamwork and had many intense firefights. This goes high up in my favorite team slayer maps.

    Fix the CTF spawns and this map will be a million times better.

    PS: I finished Act 2, but it needs refining.
    #7 FrozenGoathead, Apr 22, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2012
  8. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback goathead, and yes I do have to agree when we were playing CTF the spawning a little
    ”On top of“ the flag thus making taking the enemy *** nearly impossible. I will fix those issues as soon as possible.

    This map was mainly mad for slayer so I hope it was fun while playing it, because slayer was a game type that we wanted to flow perfectly, so thanks for the comment.

    And.P.S. I am half way through act 3

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