My House Overview *PLEASE NOTE: THIS MAP IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD* Hey guys, I'm bringing you guys a quick post today. I have made an aesthetic remake of my very own humble aboad. Detailed rooms. Detailed Objects. I actually made the map months ago, but I wanted to try a walkthrough vid, and this looked like a half decent map that I could show. Check out the map if you want inpiration for aesthetics, or play a game of alpha zombies on my house! (Only meant for Alpha Zombies.) Video Halo Reach Map: "My House" (Walkthrough) - YouTube Pictures Special thanks to FantasticNoob79, once again, for helping me with my forges. Download "My House"
I am so jealous of you right now you have a teleporter in your house. OT: the map looks great but to bad certain thing will only appear in forge games. Also I tried this once but it didn't come out nearly as good as this. *Edit: disregard the what I said earlier I was wrong.
@ Waterfallninja3: the lamp is made with a hologram armor ability phased into an antenna. @ bullet2thehead9: yeah, you don't have to look at it in forge.
I've done something similar with my friends, and I always found it quite hard to fit everything in, and from the looks of it you've done just that.
man you are lucky to have a teleporter in your house , and so many guns! are you from texas? OT: this map is pretty sweet and you really nailed it on the aesthetics. Keep up the good work!