here are the photos first Summery- Abondond mining facilty by the u.n.s.c officials because of some horred accedent classified top secret and will not be shared it is up to you to discover what happond and who was involved but be carful because there are step edges and slipery turns watch out! Download here- EDIT srry the pictures came out small
this map should not be in the mini game section and i have had this map for awhile (about a month) and have seen it before and i dont think that this was made by you because it had a more realistic name than caves r us and it had a description on the map when you download it. i dont know if you originally created it or not but never take credit for other peoples work.
Yes there has been a "caves R us" for quite some time i cant tell though if they are the same tho you need to imbed your pictures through an image hosting site, and make sure not to post the thumbnail
This guy has stolen Sir Toppum Hats map. Looking at the pictures it is exactly the same so I believe a god Ban-Hammer may be in place. And also wrong section so that should be moved than locked so we can all laugh!
it is good but the guy with the first post is right about that taking credit for some ones map but like i said it does not look that bad i like it.
wow looks really good, a bit bigger and could hav been in the competetive looks a bit like what im making.