FHT: (v2) Warsaw Or The First Breath You Take After You Give Up . And Now ! Finally my first multiplayer map on Halo: REACH. This map contains 6 rooms and 1 balcony were the rocket launcher is located. The map took me 76 hours to build through my duty and my hobby! The map includes a more covies arsenal than human weapon. I forged it for FHT Tournament . So I hope you like it! V2 version is up !!!! All stairs are now Ramps , Midle room have a overshield catwalks at the top of it , Shotgun room health pack change place ! Weapon List : DMR x2 Needle Rifle x4 Needler x2 Plasma Pistol x1 Plasma Rifle x4 Shotgun x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Camo x1 Overshield x1 Plasma Nades x4 Frag Nades x4 Ladies and gentlemen there's the pictures : Midle Room + Rocket Launcher Balcony : v2 Changes : Back Room + Shotgun and Camo Spawn : v2 Changes : Blue and Red Room + acess to Midle Room , Rocket Balcony + Blue and Red Grass Road : v2 Changes : Blue and Red Grass Road + Acess to Read and Blue side and Shotgun + Camo spawn : v2 Changes : Download Link (If you miss It) : Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Thats It Hope You Like It and DOWNLOAD
Very nice map with very nice aesthetics...the use the natual and the metallic objects creates a nice value to the map with the aesthetics...the building with the opening for the sun to come in is also a nice aesthetic addition...the fx also adds to this value...the weapons could work but some parts are open which makes it hard to figure out if the weapons are good choices...the rockets more than anythign else...
This is a really nice map. The aesthetics look great, everything looks neatly forged and really creative. I'm not a big fan of adding FX to maps, but you pulled this off wonderfully. Everything about this map looks creative and unique. I especially like the roof with the sun coming in. You have managed to make a map with structure and natural enviornment perfectly. Q'd For download. (When I get my xbox up and running)..
I didint put FX on this map . Its just photoshoped !!! Anyway i will add a gameplay video to show you how it play !
I got a forge run though and it was really nice. Like the others said, a lot, it has some really nice aesthetics to it. Sadly on my Xbox I saw some screen lag. Mainly when looking from I think spawn to center. You can probly take that out by taking off the roof, or use something else. But yeah, nice map, would love to see the frame rate fixed, and happy forging
The frame rate issue is probably caused by the stairs. That's a high object density area with quite a bit of interlocking (a perfect recipe for frame rate drops). If the creator is interested in fixing frame rate issues, he should switch out the beautiful stairs for some standard ramps. It's a disappointing thing to do, since they do look wonderful. However, "some sacrifices have to be made if you want it to be played" <- DtL original, lol Edit: Also, I have to ask, why the lengthy title?
I dont know whats wrong with the frame ? Maybe Draw The Line or longshot you can shom me ? I will change the stairs for ramps ... I still didint test it so i cant teel you if it play well with stairs . Anyway i will fix this . Thanks for the comments ! And for the title ..... this map style and beautie makes me feel like a magic place and when you fall down and you give up and you give a "Warsaw" you might be teleported to this place ! [br][/br]Edited by merge: V2 Changes is up !!!! All stairs are now Ramps , Midle room have a overshield catwalks at the top of it , Shotgun room health pack change place ! I dont know whats wrong with the frame ? Maybe Draw The Line or longshot you can shom me ? I will change the stairs for ramps ... I still didint test it so i cant teel you if it play well with stairs . Anyway i will fix this . Thanks for the comments ! And for the title ..... this map style and beautie makes me feel like a magic place and when you fall down and you give up and you give a "Warsaw" you might be teleported to this place ! [br][/br]Edited by merge: V2 Changes is up !!!! All stairs are now Ramps , Midle room have a overshield catwalks at the top of it , Shotgun room health pack change place ! Now download it for a better gameplay experience !!
For a fairly flat looking map, I love it. And since it's more room based, I have a feeling UT will play better than your average flat map. Beautiful forging as always.