Hi I am new to this forum, so please bear with me if I seem uneducated in the forge. I play doubles a lot, and get challenged to play 1v1 with people often. I am wondering if there is a map made, or it would be easy to make a map where the chances of winning are HEAVILY stacked in my favor. this is to torture those people that really make me mad. thanks.
Make an invasion gametype where blues are overpowered and reds are weak. Then make a compatible map (doesnt need to be complicated). Other than that, if they try to make you mad then they are just children. By the way, welcome.
make custom settings with a CP that make you invincible and have bottomless rockets, both of which you spawn next to (use team spawning for this). Although why you'd want to cheat in an honest game such as Halo is far beyond me. Are you that bad that you'd have to cheat to win?
i don't consider it cheating. and I don't consider myself bad... I do encounter people, as I am sure everyone does, that deserve a little humility.
Just put a whole bunch of effect filters on forge world, drop spawn points at either end, and stick sniper rifles somewhere discreet. They'll bugger off. lol
First: lolcheating. Second: Sky's right. Cheating in Halo is just not cool. Third: If someone is stupid enough to play a 1v1, Clan Battle, etc, on anything but an official map, that person is stupid. Fourth: The Reason they challenge you is probably because they want to raise their self-worth on someone that is not good on Halo. Fifth: If you are bad, get good.
If you're just wanting to punish someone, might I suggest this method (which I've wanted to do for a long time but never bothered to set up): 1. Download somebody's remake of Guardian or Lockout, preferably with a name like "MLG Guardian 2.6" 2. Open it up in forge and delete all spawn points, initial spawns, safe zones, and respawn zones from it 3. Fly somewhere entirely different in Forge World and make two rooms side by side separated by a window. Fill one room with explosives and write on the wall with railings or whatever, highlighted with a shield door: YOU SUCK. Fill the other room with rocket launchers. Put a single neutral spawn point in room 1 and a red spawn point (or any specific team color) in room 2. 4. Make sure there's just one loadout cam and it's pointed at "MLG Guardian." 5. Host your next 1v1 and make sure you're red team (or the team color you set for that spawn point). Presto. Fire rockets at the hapless bum through the window until he quits out and sends you hilarious messages. -- As for actual cheating, I don't condone it - but if I were going to do something, I'd put some power weapons in a spot somewhere that he is unlikely to find. Get creative. Conceal them somewhere on the fringe of the map, maybe on the other side of a weird tac jump that doesn't look like a jump; hide them behind a little "wall" made of capture plates (which you can walk through); etc.
Well, if I were you, I wouldn't take the 1v1 with randoms. Waste of time and Halo is a team game, not a 1v1. You could be great at 1v1 and lose every game in MLG, granted technical skills such as aiming are constant throughout but really, 1v1s are a very different beast. Now assuming I was to take the 1v1 to teach the kid humility, I'd do it honestly because if you don't and he finds out, you've only got more bitching from him to contend with, and now he has a legitimate reason. Beat him fair to 15 points or so and shut him up. Although I recommend getting Halo Chess for 1v1s. Best game for it and it usually gets them off your back pretty fast while giving you lulz in the process. And if he is such a dim lil kid annoying you, the game is stacked in your favor anyway. Moral of the story: get Halo Chess.