Hey guys, My brother and I have been in the market for some co-op games that could last several hours, like Left 4 Dead. Despite my vast knowledge of games I'm quite ambivalent about which game to purchase. We were thinking something like an RPG game, so if you have any ideas let us know. By the way, recently we've been looking into Fable III or Fable II for a co-op experience. I know that Fable fans weren't to pleased with Fable III and you've played the game yourself let me know what you think and whether I should buy them or not. Lastly, we do Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 & 3. Thank you for your time.
Co-Optimus - Your Prime Source for Co-Op Gaming! Great website that I use to find good multiplayer/co-op games.
-This. -Both Left 4 Dead Games. -Dead Island is great in Co-Op -As bad as a game as it is in SP, Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City is fantastic in Co-Op. -Too Human can be bought for dirt cheap nowadays, and that's hella fun.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll look into these games and that website. By the way, what about Fable II and III any comments on those?
If you're playing Just for the Co-Op, 3 is better. The camera angle can get funky at times but it's a great all round game. 2 isn't great in Co-Op because of the broken ass camera angle and a few other problems. Although they're both great games either way. I got the Classic Edition of Fable 2 the other day and it came with the DLC free for 15 euro, and I'm playing the **** out of it again.
I think I'll buy Fable II because it holds much more of a challenge and has more of an RPG feel. But my brother and I might just split the price for III.
Borderlands. It combines both the shooter and RPG elements you mentioned, plus if you get the DLC, your thirst for zombie blood will also be quenched.
Holy ****, I cannot believe I forgot this... I'm seriously ashamed of myself. Drop everything else, Borderlands is probably one of the best Co-Op games this Gen. I'd seriously recommend it, and the GOTY edition is super cheap, not to mention the fact that you get a serious amount of gaming for a decently cheap price.
You know I actually have Borderlands, but my brother doesn't like it. Oh, well. EDIT: You know I should get back into that game when I'm done with some other games that I've been delaying for to long.