I'm not sure if many of you know about what has happened in Oklahoma, but a Tornado has hit last saturday, and it killed 6 people (3 which were small children), and there are 25 or so reported injuries. Well, the people we all despise, The Westboro Baptist Church, is in Oklahoma, Picketing the funerals, and invading the hospitals, telling people that they are glad that god blessed them with the tornado to take out the hillbillies and rebels. Westboro Baptist Church =/ Thoughts? Also, here is a link to the video of the tornadoes.
It almost feels like they're trying to bring down religion as a credible belief system. Kinda like Stephen Colbert crossed with Green Peace. I guess that's the nice thing about the religious fundamentalists. They really show everyone how flawed the fundamentals are. Well, here's hoping they end up encouraging the world to focus more on people's intelligence and less on their devotion and blind faith. Too many crazy people out there getting listened to. Too many smart people getting ignored.
****ing. Lol. Don't turn this into a flame thread on Elite. He is just wants attention. Exactly. Thank you.
Honestly, I think it would be hilarious if their leader died in a car crash. I'm conflicted over the whole not-wanting-to-be-evil-enough-to-want-another-human-being-dead thing, but at the same time they think everyone who dies painfully or violently was hated by God, and watching them implode would be remembered as one of the best sights of the 21st century.
Well, you did just say that I was going to lose my soul to the devil, and that's a pretty good way to grab attention. However, I don't want you or anyone else derailing this thread, so if anyone has a point to make, they can go to thread dedicated for debates such as these. Religion. Everyone can continue to post here, but please do so in a mature fashion from this point onward.
Viewing some people's perspectives on forgehub about these topics makes me, "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."
This is true. They use every bit of negative media attention to spread their extreme ideas. If the media had not payed attention, then I personally would not have known about Westboro and certainly not countless others. Pay no attention to them and they will be reduced.
Their impact maybe to bystanders, but the families that have to deal with these yahoos picketing loved ones funerals have to deal with them. If they were recruiting it would be a different story, but their so wrapped up in their own game that it doesn't matter who sees, they'll still tell themselves the whole world does. Also, I read a theory that they were really a bunch of scam artists who made their money off suing people who attack them at pickets, and police forces for not protecting them. Apparently even their kids talk like little lawyers, do you guys think this has any credibility?
Ignorance is not the answer. Epic Win! Jason beats Westboro Baptist Church with a Fund-Raiser at their protest! - YouTube
That video makes me want to go up to one of them and ask them if i can shake their hand. After that, I'll tell them I'm gay. Click the pic to make your own.