This is a thread for people to post 2 of their favorite Montages they've seen. If you come across one that you think should replace one of your previous favs, feel free to edit the post. Under each vid, give a brief explanation of why you like it. This DOESN'T have to be halo. This can be any game of your choice. And you are self obsessed, you can even include montages of your own if u feel they are truly one of the best. -my top choices are halo due to my undying love to the franchise ________________________________________________________ Stubby :: Halo Reach Beta Montage :: Edited By MM mad max MM - YouTube Though it has a lot of blackouts, madmax did a great job synchronizing and the camara angles are campletely woth paying 100$ for. well... maybe not a hundred... Phresh - A Halo 3 Montage :: Gameplay by Wafflebrains and Elite C56 - Edited by Orphanslayer - YouTube IDK it just brings back memories
Oh goodie. I love these kinds of threads. 2nd favorite. Some of the greatest social gameplay. Much more awesome if you knew Kampy prior to seeing it: Kampy :: Apex - A Halo 3 Montage - AMAZING Gameplay - A MUST SEE!!! - YouTube Arguably the greatest montage ever made and my personal favorite: Fragtality + Sticktality - "Dualtality" :: Halo 3 Montage :: H3F Movie Competition 1st Place - YouTube