Hey everyone. just wanted to upload a video here today for a map preview. some of you may have seen this map before. its because my old youtube channel got deleted by an old member who got kicked out. so just wanted to have a new start. this video is a preview of the map as well as the storyline behind it. enjoy the video and comment on what i could do to improve later video trailers like these. well i guess i cant embed videos anymore on here so i guess people will have to click the link until i figure how to fix it Forge Trailers- New Alexandria - YouTube
I'm sorry, but this trailer is just too god-awful and cheesy. The editing and voice acting are terrible. You need to work on a lot of things. I mean no offense, but here on the Internet no one will lie. They are going to be truthful. The map seems interesting, but I don't know it will work out.
Dwell thank you for the MSG. I do agree that the voice is a little cheezey but that I'd because I had a lot of trouble for a while so sort of gave up. The map works Ive tested it for awhile. Any way I could do better on other videos such as these?
Oh boy those were jerky camera movements. For such a somber scene (actually pretty cheesy but I know what you were going for) you moved things way too fast, and parts where you paused it and pulled back and everything else just make the water feel like they are in theatre mode, not in a tense situation. Onto the map, I am not even sure what game type it was for, and honestly I don't know what it could support. All i saw was a few falcons and a bridge and a platform with little actual fighting ground between them. Remember that no matter what atmosphere your map has it all goes to waste if you haven't put thought into making it play well.
The maps been tested its like a flying version of armor walkers kinda. Any tips for the video editing though such as programs movement ect?
****ing buffering....... wellllllllll, theres really nothing about the map. theres a scene that looks like a pretty cool map, then a close-up of a dead guy, and then glitchy campaign shots. i dont understand. and the theater camera is pretty, well... its just, kinda weird camera-ing. oh, and listen to shoe about da map, and how it plays and that sorts of stuffs. edit: just found stuff at the end, but i wouldnt have watched it if i wasnt commenting. i got turned off by the brute whos resistant to bullets.
Hahah well it was a preview that wasn't support to show much but I've play tested it a lot so it works well. Absolutely sure that people won't have too hard of a time
(trollface) this is so crudy. No offence I laughed so I guess u achieved something. U keep repeating what u say over and over, trying to sound cinimatic or sumthin. Its a good idea for a trailer, but there are several things you need to work on: camara work, script, and u need to have someone who sounds like a war-beaten-30-year-old for the voice
Okay there's good points and bad 1) I liked the story line 2) I liked how the music was in the back ground at the right times Okay they were the good now for the painful 1) the voice was srry but AWFUL!! There was no enthusiasm and it was very dull etc 2) the camera moving around at the beginning was way to quick!! 3) the colour of the ODST should be black and with white stripe or sommin I mean c'mon make it believable. ( nit picky I know but tention to detail) 4) it was very slow, at the beginning you should have had some quick flicks of first person in a massive fight like you on your own against LOADS of elites etc. 5) I'm not overly keen on the brute sceneS I think maybe one scene with tha brute and the sivillian in, not 2 And I think thas bout it, don't get down there's always room for improvement in everything do yeah
Damn the camera work was way to fast and although I liked the music choice it went well with the story but really a 14 year old should NOT have been the voice actor try to get good actors but the video aside from the voice acting and the jerky camera angles actually had good story except for when he said things like and more buildings destroyed Well duh it's a war that happens but whatever that's just my opinion. I liked the first shot of the brute shoving a civilian to the ground and stomping his ass it went real well with what was being said "they were ruthless"
ill do better on camera work ill probs lower the sensitivity of the controller. thanks you also for the constructive critisism as well as some things you liked. and lol im the main uploader, i really think that besides one other video, i wont have much voice acting. but ill see what i can do to improve and thank you once again
I can understand your lack of voice actors, It doesn't help that Im only 14 and that I live in the damned south where mostly everybody you know are country-tards with grammar like a 6 year old. I seem to be the only one who doesn't. Maybe I should use my dad to talk like the director from RVB for a trailer I want to do for a planned map? Could be a possibility. Also note that when your making trailers, don't try to add in too much poetry for a soldier to say. Take inspiration from military books and learn what a soldier might say. I wouldn't even try adding story to your trailers, it's a bit useless anyways. Also take some inspiration from how Bungie created their DLC trailers with some gameplay shots of the map and a few epic moments. Use these hints to create a good Halo map trailer. Not everyone one can do a pod trailer, but if you tell them how you would do it, they could do anything good. Good luck with future creations.
hey everyone. videos are up for new alexandria. check out the links if forgehub does not show the video if you know what i mean commentary- HD New Alexandria- Commentary - YouTube overview- HD New Alexandria- Overview - YouTube
Alright, first off, there is little 'room' for movement, and it looks like most of it is Falcon based combat. Not necesarily a bad thing, but I can imagine it getting very old very quickly. Secondly, IMO, the buildings shoud be based only in the canyon to convey a more confined feeling, and you should use a larger variety of pieces. Try 5x5 blocks, Platforms, buildings, and other peices to make buildings, not just collesium walls and large walkways. Your walkways, there should be more of them, and they should be flatter and more roomy. I'm being a bit critical, but only because this is a great idea that could use a bit more editing and reform.