On May 26th, we will be having a Forge Hub Infection event. It shall be called the Zombie Walk. This will be an spectacular event with cheers, crys, and laughter. To sign up, use this little slip. Unfortunately, we will have only limited amount of people on this list. So if anyone I can trust wants to be like a second party leader for a different list or something I will allow it for much more capicity. I am deciding the list, and it is almost about to be wrapped up. This will start at 5 PM Pacific and end at 9 PM Pacific FH User Name: XBL Gamertag: Age: Timezone: Do you have a mic?:Yes/No Legendary Map Pack?:Yes/No Time you are sure you can attend:Report in EST Super Solider77 Party 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ((Yes, at the moment we can fit only 11 people. Sorry folks.))
I'll join, i am a huge fan of infection type gametypes, and have a few of my own, but im guessing that we cannot play our own maps for this.
Because I don't have people who are party leaders like TGIF does? If people could be able to do so, without booting people that would be absolutely swell.
I will talk to my clan about it, if they want to then thats 4+ people there, I'll repost on this threat within the week (hopefully)