What could have been an AMAZING no scope | Why no headshot -_- - YouTube I was just messing around trying to hit something crazy and i saw i hit a guy and i went into threater and it made me rage so much because it should have been a head shot it i shot right befor he spawned.
I would have ended my xbox's life. That would have been so cool if you got the kill. Maybe it was the angle?
Oh, I didn't even realize that was still in your gamertag. I was just subtly hinting that I knew you go to h3f. Or I guess it's THF now.
One time a friend and I were in Doubles, and for some reason I had Armor Lock. I went into it because I was about to die, and my friend accidentally jumps off of my Armor Lock, and he would've assassinated an enemy if another one of their teammates didn't snipe my friend. I hate when **** like this happens Xl