The Forge Storm Approaches

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Discussion for The Forge Storm Approaches
    Original Post with Screens

    We are on the brink of Forge Heaven. Two months after Halo 3's release the community is set to receive a new set of maps via DLC on December 11th for 800 Microsoft points. Of course this is a small price to pay for the forging community as Bungie is providing us with new tools to make additional fun and creative maps with respective gametypes. The following has been taken from the update posted today over at as we take a quick peek at the media packet that Bungie has just released.

    The map has been described as a miniature version of Blood Gultch/Coagulation. The map appears to be small yet hectic, although it doesn't appear to have anything outstanding that would make it a popular map for Forge. I won't doubt the community though, something creative will come of this. Placeable man cannons any one?

    The holy grail of Forger so to say. The map is 100% clearable, including all existing geometry within the map (obviously not the walls, pipes, etc). Aside from Last Resort I believe that great things are destined for this map. In a previous update Bungie claimed that the map had placeable shield doors. I actually already have ideas flowing into my head for these objects. Anyone else?

    Rat's Nest
    The less anticipated of the maps from the DLC package, yet Bungie still doesn't pull out the stops on this one. Rat's Nest is based off the campaign map, Crow's Nest, and seems to have been designed to bear a more similar resemblance to the map style on Halo 2. The whole human structure design has always been a good appeal to the community. To me the map reminds me of Terminal despite Rat's Nest smaller size, lack of train, and outside portion. Don't ask why I think this.
  2. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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  3. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    I cant wait! 6 days has never seemed so far away..
  4. Ironman XIII

    Ironman XIII Ancient
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    Yes, foundry looks rather amazing. i am curious to see the variation in this particular map, it will have amazing potential.
  5. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Foundry will be cool. ON IGN it says that you can have a giant soccer ball. In the bottom left pic, it looks like you can place shields similar to the ones in snowbound (the blue ones.) Those are probably the shield doors bungie was talking about. The new mancannon object also sounds cool.
  6. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    I actually had my doubts about Foundry... but its a lot bigger then I thought.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i always knew bungie would make Foundary big, remember that their listening to the community to decide, so they probobly decided big

    outside of forging, i actually love the idea of standoff the most
  8. Ironman XIII

    Ironman XIII Ancient
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    i think stand off looks good as well, i cant say im too fond of rat's nest though :-\
  9. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    They said you could remake Hang Em High, if it was a small map, you couldn't.
  10. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    True I got the same feeling, I have no idea why that was. I just had that same vibe on this map, they all look great. I can't wait.
  11. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    I'm not sure that with one language I can adequately express my excitement about these maps.

    Rat's Nest will spawn millions up millions of racetracks -- here's to hoping that one or two of them will be exceptional. The look of the whole map is great, though, and it's so nice to see a human map! I got nothing against Forerunners, of course, but variety...variety just rocks.

    Standoff makes me smile. It just looks like fun, no matter what you play it on. I'm kinda sad that there isn't a sniper rifle on it inherently, but, hey, we're Forgers, right? I'm sure some really interesting maps will rise from the anvil on this one. I can't wait to see some sort of mad blood-filled roller-coaster made from the usable man-cannons!

    And the golden joy: Foundry. LEGOs were my favorite pastime as a kid. However, I could not have my LEGO characters play capture the flag. This map is going to be the new playplace of the Forging world. You thought too many maps were made on Last Resort? This one won't even begin to diminish until Bungie releases a new map pack (or another game).

    All in all, I'm excited beyond comparison. I am that kid on Christmas morning who gets up at 3:00am to open presents. You will want to slap me. No number of slaps will lessen my longing for these maps! Six days never seemed so long...
  12. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Amen to that, Lance.

    I know all sorts of ideas are zipping around in my head and I'm sure it's the same for many on this site. Can't wait to 'unwrap' all three of them.

    800 MS points is nothing compared to the excitement building up over these beauties.
  13. gskellig

    gskellig Ancient
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    Except on September 18, 2007.
  14. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I already have some pretty solid undertakings for Foundry. Rat's Nest looks pretty promising as well from the additional screenshots posted. Standoff is definately my favorite though. I have actually had an idea for it when i saw the first post about it. 5 days till Forge heaven. ;D
  15. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    It's going to suck to try and post any Forge map the days after the maps come out, I can already see the influx of racing maps in Rat's Nest. :p
  16. HAoLucifero

    HAoLucifero Ancient
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    I Personally Can't wait for foundry like i mean come on it will bring a whole new concept to zombies due to the plasma door plus it looks amazing same with the other maps like i can't wait for someone to find a way out of standoff just to see what its like and the infinite possiblities these maps may hold.
  17. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Hopefully Foundry will get more people to make something other than Infection maps though.
  18. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    I know I'm going to remix my Rave Flag on it, and possibly try and remake a 4 flag game.
  19. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    foundry is easily going to make things that once took some serious forge skill to do a lot easier... I’m not sure if that is good or bad, but some thing tells me that the file forums on are going to get even worse then it is now  :-\. but I still can't wait!
  20. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    Foundry.... Possibly one of the greatest ideas made by Bungie EVER! (Except for the halo series and their content ;))
    I have a few ideas for that beauty :D
    Plus it comes out the day after my Birthday!!!!!!!!!
    Also, doesn't stand off sort of resemble Sidewinder?

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