One of the few maps I have made that are meant just for slayer. This one I like personally because it has a unique look to it. The main floor is curved. It isn't the biggest slayer level, but still can play 2v2 or possibly 4v4. Link to the thread. Pics The Curved Sides (On the other side of the wall, there is another side just like this, the entire map is symmetrical. The two holes you see in the first pic. They lead to the shotgun room The Shotgun Room and Teleporter The Middle Section The teleporter you see is linked to the shotgun room, the stairs lead to another hallway, which you see the other entrance to in the next pic. The other entrance to the hallway Other Maps I Have Made Fort 0026 Claustraphobia : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
this looks like a good map, pretty original. i do think it could be a great map if you take full advantage of the interlocking technique though. just an opinion.
yea, i kno, it still plays well, i made it before i had some of the better techniques for making things line up, and i didnt have the patience to interlock everything, the walls are so sloppy because i ran out of stuff to use.
looks pretty good to me but the walls look a little crooked and sloppy and i would suggest interlocking those double boxes on the curved part
I think it looks cool, DLing. EDIT: After looking at the map I thought it was pretty cool but the biggest problem was that you left it open to gernade jump out of. Once you gernade jump out, you can take any weapon you want and then... You left a teleporter to get back in?? Why are you rewarding us for getting out of the map? Was it your plan to have some of the fighting going on outside the map or what. You also left a teleporter to allow people to get back outside the map... Anyways I don't understand that so 3/5.
If you haven't seen my map, then I apologize for being an accusative asshole, but... This looks extremely similar to my map. From what I can tell in the pics, this is pretty much the exact layout of Behemoth, except that Behemoth is closed off and the middle is a little different. This map definitely is not unique. And I thought Shift was a lot like mine...jeez.
I really don't think your map looks that much like his. You guys just both used the idea of a curved map, it's not all that uncommon.
This area is in desparate need of interlocking. Okay set out but execution of the set out is below average.
linubidix, you seem to be spamming the maps without interlocking, without even playing them. i have played this map, infact most maps in the comp maps section, and half of the ones without interlocking do not require it, such as this one. honestly, it does not need it, what it does need is a way to block off the outside of the map, that would improve it greatly.
Okay, I was just saying what I thought, I personally like it when a grenade is thrown at the ground, and it doesnt fall through the ground, is that just me or does anyone prefer disappearing nades. Interlocking isnt just for aesthetics, its for playability as well.
i know, but i have played this map, and it does not make a difference. have you actually played this map? cause until you have your opinions are not as accurate.
Well no, I havent played on this map. But, unfortunately, when you post a map on forgehub, be prepared to have your map judged on how it was made not how it plays. It may very well play good but I dont know, I give most my opinions on what they have showed us.
i originally wanted the map to be like a giant pipe, which i had gotten the idea from somewhere else, but after running low on objects and space in foundry, i kind of abandoned that idea, and made it just have a curved floor.
I think the map needs interlocking alot, and the aesthetics arnt that great, i suggest you take care of that. The design has been done before but it was better. Just trying to help you. But it still looks like it could be fun, i like slanted maps like yours. What does the map reviewer say? Map Reveiwer: Overall:2/5 aesthetics:1/5 Gamplay:2/5 Not so good
Very cool idea =) I love the slanted sides and the layout. This looks really fun but you need to interlock the floor so it will play better, get rid of all bumps. I really would be exited about seeing a v2 that is interlocked. I think this map really has potential! I agree with linibudix, interlocking does effect gameplay as well as aesthetics and it is very important!