Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PacMonster1, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I mentioned it in the "SOPA is dead" thread but I think it deserves its own thread for renewed focused discussion.

    Apparently the House is to vote on the bill in 2 weeks (surprising given that by that point with SOPA/PIPA like all the internet knew about it and that has yet to happen with CISPA) and the senate shortly after.

    The bill is supposedly centered around "security" and not intellectual property but the same vague language that was in SOPA/PIPA about "information theft" is in this bill.

    SOPA changes name to CISPA - YouTube
    #1 PacMonster1, Apr 13, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
  2. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
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    Not another stupid bill rant. I doubt any of these have any chance of being passed. But if you want to spam every persons twitter feeds, go right ahead.
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    First of all, the last two SOPA/PIPA had a very real chance of passing. It took a concentrated effort by millions of US Citizens petitioning their congressman and major websites such as Google and Wikipedia blacking out before congress dropped the bills.

    Now CISPA has had little-to-no online presence and is being voted on in 2 weeks. Hardly the half a year SOPA/PIPA had before becoming relevant a month before it was to be voted on (it was delayed due to negative reception around Christmas). Some very large companies are backing this new bill and not nearly the same amount of companies have come out against it as the last two so the bill "not having any chance of being passed" is a load of horse crap. Even more so considering the reputation congress has had lately of not working together and getting anything done. In congress' viewpoint they might see this bill as a scapegoat to say they are working together and that they are passing legislation.

    I also don't know where the twitter feed thing came from. I take it you didn't like people speaking in protest about the last two horrible bills but you know if people don't say anything then congress believes there is no discontent over it so it is worth doing. So why don't you come back down from your fantasy land of bad stuff never happening and pay attention to the issue a little closer.
    #3 PacMonster1, Apr 13, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2012

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