kevelocity I am finished! The alien is coming out a bit more blurrier then I had hoped, but certainly better then before. I hate how it looks so much different once it is exported to .png No border With border (1px)
you're welcome! I actually rendered all of them and picked the least blurry one. In GIMP it wasn't even blurry at all, but when exported to .png it blurred. Hope you like it! ak1knight, I might not finish yours till thursday, I have to do somethign other days
metroshell, if possible could you just take pictures of your spartan and I can find them on your account? My xbox has died from the glorious bubonic plague of 360s (RRoD)
Main Color: Black Secondary Color: Medium light blue(like my shoulders) Sig Light: Light/Dark Name:Th Kn1ght Quote:Return of the Pwn Font: Bonbon Bleu Picture: Something awesome Medal: Extermination Spartan Armor specs: Like my armor in this picture Border:whatever looks best
Hey AL I made a new sig if you would like to check it out go to my gallery it is a rainning one my first one but i think it is ok, hey I may apply to help you with sigs I will post you a link for what i mean, kk? here is links to what I am talking about read down to see a joinning format:
well mxd I think you can start helping me make some sigs, we can just use this thread and you can start taking some of the requests, that is if you wish to make sigs.
while I was waiting for knight and Metro Shell, I made yours assassin. If you need any changes just ask! First Version Second Version
Those are really cool, you wanted to know my tut so you could use the rain effect didnt you? I will but I would like you to do something like those threads that I linked you too. I could be the none halo sig maker I and if someone wanted a halo one I could use my ones that i have, but I dont think they would like that much, I dont like to do renders!
I mean I think it could be cool for a one time thing, but I like to have a good tut for a nice background.
the only thing i could suggest is filling in the background a little more but that is it and you can change the color of my font and background to what you think would make it cooler thanks for making this so fast though
Main Color: Black Secondary Color: Red Sig Light (like light or dark): Darkish Name: Gnoizic Quote: Make Some Gnoiz Font: Clone Wars Picture (not required but helpful): Something explosive Medal: Stick Spartan Armor specs: No real preference between these three shots. You're an expert in this field, so I'll let you pick the best one Border: no preference, do with it whatcha want Thank you very much in advance Al! -Gnoiz
I modified my sig request. So go with this one and scrap my other request! Thx! Overall Look: Sleek & sexy. Main Color: Red Secondary Color: Silver Sig Light: Light Name: Metroshell Quote: Medic!!!! Font: Whatever you think looks freakin awesome! Color: Sleek Black (like black on a car) Medal: Untouchable (goes with the BR Pic) Zombie Killing Spree (goes with the Shotgun Pic) Screnshots: [Spark Battle Rifle*] [Leisure Battle Rifle*] [One-Hand Battle Rifle] [Entrance Battle Rifle] [Strafe Shotgun] [Sneaky Shotgun] [Standup Shotgun] [Sunburst Shotgun*] [Close-Up Shotgun] [Leisure Shotgun*] [Magic Shotgun*] You can choose 1 Shotgun Pic & 1 Battle Rifle Pic. And if you could, please make the shotgun sig as a seperate so I can have 2 to choose from. Thanks! P.S. The * means that the screenshot is one of my faves! Border: Yes Black Thin Regular
Yo AL can I make a new sig thread for us? I will put you as the main guy and make the form of the whole thing better.