Hey guys, welcome to a new map I have in the works which is currently named Crimson's Fear. It is kind of a sequel to my popular map; Pandora's Fear as it consists of similar map design and aesthetics. It is a little bigger than my previous Infection map in terms of rooms and overall space so it will hopefully be able to hold around 12 players comfortably. If you want to try it out sign up to my BIOC lobbies where we will be testing this map and be playing a lot of other popular Infection maps. Pics: A completely unbreakable window overlooking the pretty coast. A sexy corridor. The main room. Acts as the main junction of the map. Has 5 entrances/exits including a scary looking entrance to an underground cave. The pictures are a little outdated, the only difference is that I have added a Juicy filter to accompany the Next Gen filter.
WOW just WOW tha second to last pic looks great, the darkness and almost theme reminds me a bit of blackout i think it is on halo 3 and it has a differant name on halo 2 or sommin but looks realy good, release date?? id love to play this
I must agree, that middle picture does look nice. I've always liked that kind of design - angled rafters that is. Although, and I'm saying this as a means of helping you as opposed to bashing your work, it does look kind of bland. Provided that things have stayed the same around here in my absence, this community, as a whole, appreciates competitive maps more than infection maps. Therefore, you need to add something to this map that makes it stand out. Based on the pictures alone, I can't see any obvious camping spots, meaning it was designed well, which is the bare minimum needed for a good infection map. But a good design will only take you so far. If you'd like some help, contact me on XBL and I'll take a look and offer what advice I can.
Nice FX ! It's Photoshoped or in game FX ? Not a good Infection forgers but this looks very cool and i like how this map bring the Darky feeling !
Its in game FX on Tempest, that is probably why it looks different Erm, what do you mean by 'not a good infection forgers'? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks I will probably release it shortly after the File share black out. I think you did, in a BIOC lobby one time. But we played with the wrong gametype and it messed up
You never disappoint me with your maps. I think it needs a few tweaks and it's well underway. I'll chat in RL.
Thanks man, no that's okay. Your right, it has pretty much no camping spots which was one of my main goals for this. Your right, it already has some things that should make it stand out, although I am still thinking of other little perks to add to the map. Watch this space