Map Name: Ultrium Authors: xRoboArtistx, Frenchys Gametypes: Slayer FFA (more will come eventually) Recommended amount of players: 2-3. Specifically 1v1's. Notes: Currently in testing stage. Feedback appreciated. Download: search my gamertag in the custom filesearch by author, access my Fileshare, and snag the map. GT: xRoboArtistx Pictures: SNIPER SPAWNS (along with yellow light) 2 minutes into the game
This map looks great robo and Frenchy. I love your use of rocks, they look so natural which is something that many forgers try to achieve. I personally love the drop down area to the Plasma rifle and I love that curved ramp. I haven't got a DL yet but I am definitely going to DL it and give more feedback. great map.
Hm, a 1 v. 1 map that looks like it's in a human location with building and city like structures. On Forge Hub. . WHAT!!???! Seriously though I like the aesthetic here, it looks very different than what I usually see. I hope gameplay matches up (even though I only occasionally play 1 v. 1's) so people can appreciate the interesting theme even more. Ya'll got a download.
Hey robot ! I can see that Shik played a game on it ( he will be probably post a comment Well , when i join your game , the first time i saw that map i said : Damm he is using to many of these 1x2 blocks ! Second Time : Well the use of these 1x2 blocks is going to achieve something that is interesting ( Bad English ) . Third time : it was finished . But there was a couple things to fix ..... when i say a couple it is ALOT ( Joking ) I think taht this map is your greatest map you ever made ! It was fun to forge this finished map with you ...... weird to forge with a mute forger ?!? You could answer : Yes but Great ! Anyway for me its bed time so c ya tomorrow on REACH ! Good night buddy !
This looked a little rough around the edges when i joined the game, but it's looking way better now. Unique too. Nice work.
Looks stunning, it flows so well and I love the different floors you've used it just looks almost natural with all the rock and yet they go so with what looks like part of a UNSC base but it just goes well thought the map, deffinate download, might need to give bullet a game on it ;P
What it looks like to me is that the entire upper level is consistently flat making gameplay less interesting and...I know I'm missing something else...****. Anyways, I'm sure xzamples or someone would come in here and give you better feedback. All I can say is, you might want to add more height variation to the map. Aesthetics look quite nice, though. Keep up the good work. Edit: NICE WEBCAM PICS, BROOOOOO. They see me trollin'