Heyo, Longshot here just showing a map design I think I'm going to forge. My thought process is counter-clockwise movement and long line of sights. 2-4 people max of course. If I don't have the time or enthusiasm to make it, I'll put it up for adoption Talk to you cool hubber later!
There are a couple of end-to-end LoS that should be addressed. Not a fan of the top right corner of the first pic. The separation should be bulkier, and it appears there is only 1 way up to that platform. Need to see it in forge for any more in depth feedback, so hurry up and forge it!
Oh cool! Another crazy winding maze of a 1v1/2v2! I love these maps! Nothing tickles my fancy more than trying to find my way through a twisting labyrinth of a map. But yeah, its an asym so who cares. I get my rocks off to such skillful and amazing maps as these.
must admit im not a fan of these types of pics cos you cant realy get a size of it and etc but from what i can see it looks nice layot and i think if its the right size, snipers can get a couples of good bits and people with even AR will get a good couple of kills at a distance, so id like to see it forged
Good to see you're still designing maps, Lawnshot. You should forge this, it does look interesting. Forge it, seriously...
You're one to talk. I've already told you my thoughts on this, so yeah.. Edit: dunno if I said this, but the incline next to the tunnel is weird.. And then what xzample said.
hey thanks guys! Yeah, I've taking your guys thoughts into consideration. I'm forging it now and im changing stuff around. I'm to lazy to edit the sketchup to show my changes.