Map Pack 3: Thanatos (RELEASED)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Robster95, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    this is the first release of this map pack and due to the fileshare converting tings i will be releasing this map pack again after the transaction is complete and is also the reason why im posting it on here because theyve temporarily locked the place where you usualy post them anyway down to buisness, here is the first map in the map pack:



    Okay so for this map there are 2 varients theres a:
    Team slayer one
    and a 'Protect the President' one.

    So to go over the 'Protect the President' gametype and how it works:
    basicaly you have a sprint AA down the bottom which acts as the Bomb Plant, so when someone pics it up they act as the bomb plant and the attacking team start with a bomb (odviosly) and they have to plant the bomb on the President or the bomb plant, the sprint is completely random and works by the sprint being at one spawn point and then someone will randomly spawn there andbe the President.... bit confusing i know but you dont realy need to know all that dring the game just stick together and defend your team mates :D

    anyway i got the insiration of this map from the new Cod map 'Black Box' odviously without all the buildings.

    anyway and to the next map which is also for 'Protect the President' is:



    okay so this is an old oil drilling rig, with the president spawning in the far crane (i know not where a presidnet would be but for game purposes) and the attacking team spawn on the island and also due to game purposes have to go through a one way teleporter to get to the safe bit where they can then either drive mongooses, warthogs (normal and A rocket) or fly a falcon over to the rig, this map is very competative and where on 'Crash-Out' you sort of know where there comming from and theres plenty of places to hide... here there isnt and the rounds on here can be over in about 30 seconds if you dont work as a team as alot of people found out :D

    on to the next map:



    Okay so this map is made for Team slayer, plant the bomb, terrotries etc nearly all the gmaetypes infact and this map hasnt had alot changed with it except i removed the teleporters from either base, which you guys wont see now but they use to be there :p anyway this is basicaly a part of a ruined city as you can see, it has a warthog nd a mongoose for each base, a banshee in the middle building where the flacon was (removed the falcon because people found it hard to get it out the building) and theres a ghost the other side to where the banshee is.

    and for the last but not least:




    Okay so this map is an infection map (odviously) and for those that cant realy see what it is, it is a bridge with a pelican crashed in the middle section which is where the humans spawn (good guess) and the zombies come from both sides and jump onto the bridge, the zombies are weak but pretty quick so you will get people dying very quickly and there are 8 zombies that start off :D just to make it interesting ;P The humans start with a magnum and an assault rifle but believe me the bullets go quickly so i thought id be nice and slap in some good old shotgun action, and whilst im at it pile on some sniper fun, and cos i love you add a steamin grenade launcher..... but you have to find them :D well i wasnt just gonna give em to you was i :p
    so there we have it all four maps and two wopping big gametypes....... ohhhh i almost forgot how to download these maps... well:
    what ive done is i have made up a tag which is special to me and that no one else should use so all you have to do is to go on:
    Start, down to 'New Custom Search', and then go down to the bottom selection and go to 'Tag' and write in
    write that in and it will come up with this new map pack or you can just search my GT and search fileshare and they will be on there.
    thank you all and please leave feed back, when i release the map pack again i will be posting MORE pictures and maybe even a video of each map ;P
    if you have any trouble downloading these maps, please ask and if you have any questions, fire away!!
    thats all folks until next time when ill bring you more fresh fish for your chips!!


    Upcomming map packs and maps:
    Map Pack 3: Thanatos (RE RELEASE)
    Map Pack 4: Presidential
    Map Pack 5: (UNAMED)
    Marines VS Flood (Name so far but will probrably change)
  2. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Some of these look very promising for gameplay. But the only exception would have to be the 2nd map you showed. There isnt really any railing where its needed the most, and alot of pieces were used randomly throughout and it kinda looks like crap, no offence.

    But oh mai gosh, Dat Plane. :O
  3. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
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    Its Glad to see these maps finally released I was getting tired of waiting,its good to see that you found a way of getting past the no posting maps thing, I was thinking about doing the same thing. ok on topic now, these maps are great and I love the map crash-out because the aesthetics are great and I love your little easter egg on it but I doesn't really work the best for slayer because the layout, I mean slayer on. The map isn't bad its just really slow and hard to find people because they can almost move around the entire canyon.

    I Also think that the map Dust-Off is great because for one, the layout is great and because its a sight for sore eyes, I love seeing maps that use the natural hills and the grass to there advantage. I was never able to get around to test this map with you but I did get to view it in forge before the banshee was added.
    Note: I don't think the banshee will work to good on this map because of some of the openness and it doesn't match the them really good, so I would recommend staying with falcon and maybe editing the map so that the falcon can get out easier.

    I never got a clear look at zombonus and Drift-away but I think they look very interesting and I can't wait to take a look. Great maps Slashed and mayb e I could help you with the Presidential map pack if we ever get online at the same time.
  4. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    cheers guys, okay the second map 'Drift-Away' it isnt realy for looks tbh like crash-out but i made it for gameplay which is where it comes into its own and it plays realy well and haha thanks :p
    as for bullet your concern about the banshee if you think its overpowere (which is what i think you were saying) it realy isnt, i think the longest time anyone stayed in this was about 50 seconds :p if you a brilliant pilot then you might get a minute but yeah due to rocket launchers, sniper, grenade launcher etc it realy doesnt last that long :p and as for the Crash-Out boundaries i have added some to it so you cant go much further than the nose and the tail of the plane so dw thats been fixed :p
  5. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I think dust off is definately the better of the maps, I think you did a great job at blending the natural terrain and the pieces youve used for your buildings pretty flawlessly. I honestly think you do your best work when it comes to more urban styled maps, as the others released in this map pack dont compare to Dust-off and your previous released city projects in my opinion. But overall nice map pack but I feel it could use one more true competitive map or just a overhaul on Drift Away to give it more of a mechanical and covered feel.
  6. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    okay thanks alot, i must say that Dust-Off took me the longest to make, these are the total times for dust-off:
    initial construction times: 5 hours
    Testing times: 2 hours in total
    tweaking times: 3 hours
    so in total about: 10 hours
    the others in total took about 5 hours to 7 hours in total but my next map pack the Presidential one i was gonna do purealy maps like Crash-Out and Drift-Away but if you guys want, ill make a thread on it but if you guys want i can always add one or two competative maps.
    but thanks for your comment its much aprretiated :)

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