Check out this video to poop on fun. HTML: <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
ROFLMAO "Promise you'll vote for Ron Paul." Ha ha, he made them answer the questions to escape, that's great.
That is the funniest !@#$ ever. I wish I could be a **** like that in halo 3, but they would just betray you, sighs* That made me laugh forever.
You spawn with Plasma Pistols in a cage box with nothing but teleporters in front of you. The teleporters lead to the other team who's waiting there for you with Rocket Launchers, Spartan Lasers, Plasmas, Snipers, Shottys, a Flamethrower. Man that'd be fun. As long as you were on the right team.
I like how the people stayed in the server and kept answering the questions. Haha oh man that is really funny. -Donuts
How did you embed the video? Is that an ability of staff only? I tried copy/paste what YouTube gave me. I also tried it with the {html} tags, but it didn't work.
Huh? html? <a href=""> Bungie </a> I saw that ages ago.... and rolled on the floor for 15 minutes. My 2008 resolution: In day-to-day conversation, say "I think it's a little bit of column a, a little bit of column b" more.
More TF2 Griefing This one's the first one. I saw these videos a while ago, they're probably some of the funniest things I've ever seen. The second one is better though. It almost makes me wish I got the Orange Box for computer instead of 360. ):
Ok yeah that 5G was pretty sweet. The 2G you get for scoring a basket though is a lot more rewarding. Also, getting an enemy medic to heal you is nice too.
Those two points... Right at the point where the place was being attacked, "C'mon Gordon, we gotta get inside!!" "GET IN THERE, BALL." I got 'em at the last second, but I couldn't find the HEV suit.