So, I'm currently working on a covenant-themed map which is fairly close-quarters and meant for 2v2 or 4v4. Each team has a "Spawn Well" In the for of hallways that can get them around their side of the map quickly. Within these hallways, I have included an energy sword. These means both teams will have a Sword on a 45 second respawn time. My hope is for each team to have a sort of "designated sword user." I was looking for some other thoughts on this idea. Good? Bad? Terrible and then some?
- Red sword guy kills random blue guy - Blue sword guy kills red sword guy - Blue team has two swords - Win It won't work.
So... in this example, considering there are ways in the map to counter the swords, does that matter at all? I haven't tested the map yet except for a quick 1v1 where the swords were possible to counter, and mostly useful when one of us caught the other off-guard or in a bad position.
I'm assuming that you are using default settings because you are placing swords on the map. Default settings = sprint as an option two swords on a high respawn time + close quarters map + sprint = broken
It could work if you spawned people with no AAs, used default so sword block is still in effect, and arranged it so the other players have decent guns, either by other map pick-ups or just spawning them with them. I could see sniper rifles being pretty interesting. If you use the MLG movement settings that could actually be a lot of fun. Might be a good idea to keep it to one sword though. That way the teams have to fight over it. That would add an extra element of competition, if the map is tight enough to make the sword a valuable asset.