Yes. His point is that that specific corridor is a good place for the shotgun to be, even though it's a pretty tight place that is theoretically good for shotgun use. If you put that shotgun where the overshield is in the snipe tower, it would be horrible (as evidenced by the fact that most people's gameplan when spawning on the shotgun side is "go get the shotgun, then try like hell to take over and set up in the snipe tower").
It isn't always concrete, because i tend to modify it to suit the map, but usually it's somethin' like this: 4x DMR 2x NR 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Needler 2x Magnums 1x Shotgun (Small) 2x Shotgun (Large) Power - Plasma launcher / Grenade launcher / Concussion rifle Power2 - 2x Sniper (1 clip) Power3 - Plasma launcher / Grenade launcher / Concussion rifle 2x Magnums 6x Grenades (usually 2 frag + 4 plasma)
Zero clip sniper is needlessly restrictive IMO. I prefer 1 spare clip on most maps for team-owned snipers, 1 or 2 spare clips for a neutral sniper.
If i had to say, in any map i built, its all about how i built it. Let's say im playing on a map that is high and large, about the size of a grid up ways and sideways. The layout would be: 2x DMR (both sides get one) 1x Focus Rifle 4x Pistol 3x Each Grenade (both sides get 3) 2x shotguns (in middle) 1x Energy Sword (Well Hidden) 4x Plasma Pistol and default classes. With this i can assure that no one is too overpowered, if one person has the energy sword, they must find a way to beat the shotgun or a DMR. A focus Rifle may be powerful but not when everyone has pistols to assure you can't even aim with getting hit. Each weapon comes with a drawback weapon (one that can beat it) and an upside weapon (one that can overpower another weapon). The grenades were a added touch to ensure that no one could camp in one spot with a powerful weapon. The map also Creates Blocks with can prevent someone from finding a spot where they could hit everyone in a certain area. I could use some feed back as to how i could upgrade the play in the map. This place contains some secrets that would go unnoticed unless someone is on the look out for them. which makes finding that Energy Sword fun (Because you can expect that the area to the sword is wide open, so no one could camp to prevent anyone from getting to it) .
It's based on the map, really. I've been building more towards extremes, not balanced gameplay. I want a map that's gonna be all long sightlines and constant dmr duels, (Turbine) or something colse-quarters where your foe could be right around any corner. (Docking Bay) I did, however, put Grenade Launchers on both maps, because it's a versatile weapon. On Turbine it could force a foe out of hiding, on Docking Bay it could be used as a trap for searching foes. I want to try to incorporate a Fuel Rod, seeing as few people have done that, though.
My Weapon layout for my current MLG map is 1xOS 1xNeedler 1xGL 1xNR 3xDMR 1xPlasma Pistol 2xSpiker 1xPlasma Rifle 1xEvade 2xHealth 3xFrag 3xPlasma