Sketchup Layout Hey guys, I'm looking for someone who has Google Sketchup and knows how to use it. Layouts are a tough part of map making for me so I would like to start making maps with pre-planning. I need layout ideas for either competitive or casual. If anyone is interested, get back to me. Pictures of sketchup layouts or requests for co-forging this new map are very welcome. All map design credits will be given to you, and if you have the skill, you can help me forge the actual map itself. I'm aiming to take lots of time with this project so you should be fairly dedicated if your interested. Thanks! Reply to the thread, message, or add me on XBL: I PAINTS I
This all kind of seems counterproductive, to be honest. You basically want to help someone create a map they've already designed instead of creating one yourself? I understand you say it's a weak point for you, but having other people design things for you isn't going to help you progress. You should also understand that, in the grand scheme of things, anything you do in forge doesn't matter. Although, it does serve a crucial role in getting people interested in map design. I would recommend trying to learn sketchup yourself and if that works out for you, (you can always then create them in forge if you see fit) then move on to more complex programs. But, if you're only into this kind of stuff JUST for forge and Halo, then by all means carry on.
Highly debatable. Think me with Ambiance. It really taught me a lot. Although I could have learned stuff from it without forging it.. I just noticed some stuff in the process. So yeah, good luck. I might check and see if I have any SU's I don't plan on making... Although they may be hard to make.
I suppose it all depends how much he knows currently, but that's about the only debatable point present.
I don't know about that. Though I discourage remakes, you could learn a lot from forging someone else's design. Almost like going into their head, thus expanding your mind by viewing design through their eyes. Of course you will learn the fastest through first hand experience, but sometimes it is difficult to get started.
I dunno, I don't really see a difference between what I'm asking and a Map Adoption. I'm asking someone who wants to help me, so don't shoot me down, I'm just unfamiliar with the program, and I wanted someone to show me what it can do as far as Forge layouts. Usually someone presents the layout before starting a co-forge anyway. So what's so bad about this? Still going to be making the map from scratch.. [br][/br]Edited by merge: This is more like what I wanted to hear. I hope someones actually willing to post at least a picture. But judging by the amount of replies, and the fact that hardly any of them were forgers actually willing to team up with me. I guess it's a lost cause. Thanks guys [br][/br]Edited by merge: Private Message me, excited to see what layouts you have to offer!