4/7/12 was the "Repopulate Halo 3 Event" where many montagers would host lobbies with their subscribers. It was a hectic, fun-filled day and I believe we raised the servers by up by a few thousand players. This video is over 8 minutes long (grab some popcorn), and it features clips from/on many well-known YouTubers (TranQ, Ruxs, OrphanSlayer, AfterFraG, Rusty Panda, etc.) and has a nice balance of sniper multikills, unique WTF moments, funtage clips, and live reaction randomness. This will have you reminiscing on the golden days of Halo 3 and your fun memories in it Enjoy! The Halo 3 Repopulatage by Focused Luck & Axilo- Hilarious! [HD] - YouTube
My frind's grabbin me a H3 from a gamestop for mai Bday. He asked me what I wanted, and i was thinking soething cheap but not something id wouldnt use and dispose of. I was just like, why not H3? i miss the game like family ya know. it was something i played like everyday before reach came out
Man, there is no game quite like Halo 3, at least for me. I get itchy when I see those clips haha. I've never had such a diverse experience with any other game. Ahhh, H4, please bring that magic back.
HaloUnionYT is going to be hosting one of these open lobbies every Saturday and I will be editing a highlights video similar to this every other week. Check out their channel for details!
Saw this yesterday. Pretty awesome. I miss this game more than you know. So many good times, like this video.