Garrison Description - Garrison is a narrow, asymmetrical map created on a split in half foundry. One side hosts a large, three-story base giving defenders a big height advantage over the attacking team. This advantage is balanced by a Sniper spawning at the one high point of the attackers side. The base, while intimidating, is far from impregnable as multiple entrances on multiple levels allow attackers to coordinate a variety of attacks. The three stories of the defensive base are connected by a variety of grav lifts, stairs and objects to jump on making every attack and encounter different. -It takes some inspiration from a mix of High Ground, Relic and possibly even Lockout (someone mentioned the layout vaguely resembles it). -While it supports every type of gametype, the map plays especially well with One Flag CTF, Slayer, Team Slayer and One Bomb Assault. 16 players are supported but 4-12 are recommended as 16 will tend to get crowded. Screenshots -Overview of Offensive Side -Overview of Defensive Base -Sniper Spawn at Offensive Base -Rocket Spawn and Mid Map -Defensive Base Bottom Level -Defensive Base Middle Level -Defensive Base Top Level -Cross Map from Offensive Bae to Defensive Base Weapons -9 Br's -2 Maulers -1 Rocket (mid map) -1 Sniper (Offensive Base) -2 Needler -2 Shotguns (one at each base) -AR's, Plasma Rifles, Spikers and SMG's Equipment -1 Overshield -1 Power Drain -1 Grav Lift -1 Bubble Shield -1 Trip Mine Comments - Looking for some feedback as its the first map I've published. I recommend One Flag as it is my favorite on the map and if any1 ever wants to play on it please send me a Friend Request as I'd be happy to play. All my budget was used and I spent the better part of three days making it so feedback would be appreciated. Download Map -please note that I accidentally uploaded the old version of the map (glitch in the CTF spawns)... its corrected but if any1 dled this right away that version is flawed... -TiTaN
Re: Garrison- Fast-Paced CTF and Slayer Congrats on your first published map. It looks like a really great map, a lot better then your average foundry map. I'll download it now, and i'd like to play it with you sometime.
Re: Garrison- Fast-Paced CTF and Slayer It looks really good. You recommended One Flag, but is it set up for multi-flag too? Is it set up for Assault, KotH, Territories? I'm a big fan on neat, balanced objective maps, and this one looks great. I wish I could try it out but my 360 is broken. Also, where does the Overshield spawn? I'd be worried that it might be a little too powerful for such a small map. I have noticed the following typos in your post. I wouldn't bother pointing them out if I didn't like the look of your map. It's spelled "maulers." You should be able to figure out the other ones. Again, nice looking map.
Re: Garrison- Fast-Paced CTF and Slayer hrm lets see... it is set up for multi-flag as well... it is set up for all those mentioned gametypes but I havn't played all of them... Overshield is in an enclosed walkway on the side of the map (directly in middle)... and as far as typos lol... new laptop... not used to the keys just yet... thnx for pointing out and I will fix them...
Re: Garrison- Fast-Paced CTF and Slayer It still says "discription" at the top. It's spelled "description". Not a big deal unless you are a perfectionist like I am.
Re: Garrison- Fast-Paced CTF and Slayer EXCELLENT first map. Post is beautiful with lengthy description, embedded pictures, clear info. Map looks well made, aesthetics are great. I'll DL and let you know what I think.
Re: Garrison- Fast-Paced CTF and Slayer(screenshots) Titan, one thing I wanted to point out since you're still new here is that you probably don't need to add "screenshots" in your title. Unlike the Bungie forums, it is assumed that you will embed screenshots into the thread. It's not a big deal but I'm a big jerk and I like to tell people what to do.
Re: Garrison- Fast-Paced CTF and Slayer(screenshots) well I've had a few good times on it already so I hope you'd enjoy it as well... again FR me if you wanna play on it... Understood... lol everyone likes tellin people wat to do so you know... dont worry bout it...
You should be proud. This looks like an original slayer map that should be fun to play! Looks a little like Ascension.