I don't buy games for their graphics, I did buy Minecraft after all. I'm just saying that Far Cry 2 marketed itself on its graphics, and I expect the same for FC3. Mainly what caught my attention was his hand (I know, I know. It just looked really bad to me.) and the blood when the guy executed that woman, it just looked awful.
Keep in mind that this is highly likely still a work in progress, and the feedback the receive from E3 would give them an insight into a few things they may need to change or add. They also may have had to sacrifice graphics for processing power to show the demo, and will later fix everything when the game is complete. Which is silly, because the main reason you show a demo at E3 is to show how good it looks initially to grab people attention, then keep them fixated with cool gameplay. Hmm...
Actually Far Cry 2 didn't market themselves on high-end graphics. It was praised for its visuals by critics, the team consequently used these comments when piecing together trailers. Also that was 2008. Game graphics came a long way since then. Still shouldn't discourage anyone from playing the sequel if it doesn't look like Uncharted 2.
I hope its a lot better than FC2. FC2 was so bad that i didnt even want to finish the story. Plus, the multiplayer was boring. Its like Ubisoft was moving away from the fun multiplayer they had in FC Instincts Predator/Evolution to a more Competitive gameplay... Predator mode combined with the ability to create epic maps was what made Evolution so fun for me. I swear it was the most fun game ive played for the Original Xbox, even more fun than Halo 2!! I hope we can make waterfalls in this installment!!!
This was on the xbox... It would probably look 10x better on the PC. Xbox's hardware is too limited. I don't know why you guys keeping hating on it. The map editor is definitely returning (they would lose lots of customers) which was amazing in far cry 2, and now the game has updated graphics. On to singleplayer... it is an open world game, unscripted AI this time, good animation, non-linear quests... Don't judge the game yet. Hopefully Ubisoft can deliver. September 4th, 2012
Sweet. Take shrooms, learn the definition insanity, create maps from a blank canvas. Im ****ing buying this game.
Far Cry 3: first in-game multiplayer footage - YouTube Sigh. This "Everything must be like Call of Duty" junk is getting old.
I've read your comment before I watched the video and thought "here we go, another post from someone bitching that every game is like COD" ... then I watched the video. If noone would have told me that this is FarCry3, I would have thought that I'm watching the latest CoD pre alpha footage ..
That doesn't even look like Far Cry mechanics... it looks like a re-skinned CoD with some awkward movement.
I think it looks a little bit better than Call of Duty in some ways. It won't make the game perfect and there's no guarantee that it will be better but it looks somewhat promising. I'm not a huge fan of Call of Duty but if Far Cry 3 comes with a map editor, it might be something I can get into. If you played the previous Far Cry games, you know that the gameplay has always been awkward or clonky. Hopefully they fixed that with this new "CoD outlook".
I agree completely. Why is every game turning into CoD? Oh wait, to attract the CoD fanboys. Face it guys, they dont care about us anymore. They are trying to attract more different type of gamers, you know, the bad type
You guys are exaggerating. I've been playing FC for many years (still do!) It honestly isn't that bad. The only thing here I disagree with here are killstreaks. Without the killstreaks, it is taking all of the good things from CoD, BF, Brink and more. The graphics are amazing, especially lighting, and animation is far from clunky (FC2 was super-clunky, BF3 was semi-clunky) IMHO it looks very good. Killcam isn't an original concept, though it looks very sleek (FC2's deathcam was annoying.) The new firestorm gametype sounds spectacular, as the maps pathways get dynamically limited, and was a truly original idea. The map editor is making a return, with many new and upgraded features (It is one of the most major selling points of the game) Overall I am happy, though I would like killstreaks removed and some of the other additions tweaked. If Ubi can do this, along with the claim of an open-world non-linear SP, and immersion elements like hunting and getting more experienced as you progress, it will be IMO the best FPS out there. Besides it is pre-alpha.
This is some misconception bullshit that needs to be cleared up. There is no "Bad Kind" of gamer. Just because you think it should be one way, doesn't mean that anyone else is "Bad". Some of you guys really need to understand this concept.
Each FarCry game has been very different. First we were some hybrid like human with feral abilities, then we were some guy with malaria. I really enjoyed the first game the most. I personally think they should had actual establish a story line within the games that continue forward. The map editor is always impressive.