hey everyone. i have just started working on a map. really its in construction but i need a lot of help to make it more that just an aesthetic map. ive got the first and second phase down just need help on the third. i also need help with fire teams. ive seen videos and all but its more of a issue that can only be fixed if your helping forge it. if you guys are hard core forge vetrains or are really good at invasion, send me a msg. i would like to start working on it tommarrow also. thanks in advance to everyone.
I know most of the invasion mechanics and can't say I've ever used the three by theory or any of that but I know spawning obj etc I know mostly everything there is to know about invasion forging due to the hours Ive Spent researching countless theories and threads and have honestly learned a lot about distancing etc etc so just give me a pm or a message on Xbox live I'll help you as soon as possible (btw I tend to get immersed in invasion do I could offer a lot of help structure wise for the map as well so just send me a message (waterfallninja3) that is my gamer tag obviously without the ()'s lolhope to see the map Waterfall
I may not available all day as I'm actually supposed to start working on a co-forge with bullets here lol but I'm sure I can make time before we get started send me a MSG/invite
I wrote a bunch of mini articles on forging Invasion at Forging Reach. Check them out and tell me if they help at all.
So you're interested in forging Invasion maps huh, MrGreen's article should provide some good info for you to read up on, though I suggest taking a look at this thread here as well - Invasion: Conceptualization Hope this helps, and I expect to see some fun and interesting Invasion maps from you. All the best, -Pfeuff