Call Of Duty: Live Sessions?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shafterolia, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Shafterolia

    Shafterolia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey people,

    I haven't been near machinima or anything of the sort in a long while, so I decided not too long ago I'd try to get it going again, bought myself a mic and a PVR, and set off. I've been mucking around in Reach and CE for a little bit thinking about making music videos and short series machinima and am still working on them. However on another channel, I've been releasing the 'commentary' side of things, and that's what I'm here to show you today, so I'd appreciate it if you'd check out my video, tell me your thoughts and whatnot. If you did like it, would be awesome to like the video or even subscribe if you wanted to.

    Here's the first video of my 'Live Sessions' series I'm starting.
    Live Sessions: Domination on Lockdown - YouTube

    A link to said channel.
    iFaceSoup's Channel - YouTube

    A link to my hmv/short series machinima channel.
    iSoupFace's Channel - YouTube

    A link to my let's play channel.
    MelodicSoup's Channel - YouTube

    If you by chance know me from HaloGrid or TheDigitalSet as it was towards it's end. Or if you've come across me in any other way, please go ahead and add me on XBL, I'd love to have a few friends from the old days, and to maybe even include you guys in a few videos. My GT: MelodicSoup.

    Again, thanks if you watched the video, no worries if you didn't I understand time is a valuable thing and I wouldn't like to waste it.

    ~ Shafty.
  2. Shafterolia

    Shafterolia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    #2 Shafterolia, Apr 13, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2012

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