CHALLENGE SERIES: Tall Hall By: MidniteDragon12 & cookiebubba Special thanks to: Yea The Big Ham & ZDagonJ This is the second of my challenge maps in this series. This map includes every challenge i could possibly think of that didnt involve vehicles or teleporters. As you progress throughout the map, the challenges gradually get harder and you will gradually become more and more angry at this map. Please control yous urges to send me hate mail as my important messages continue to be blocked out by the waves of angry messages attacking my inbox. Here are some screenshots for you to enjoy! I hope you enjoyed those amazing screenshots!! If you couldnt tell by the screenshots this map has a checkpoint system just like the previous map QUAD TOWERS. Destroy the fusion coil behind the shield door to unlock the checkpoint and avoid restarting the map from the beginning every time you die. Enoy the map DOWNLOAD NOW!! and dont forget the GAMETYPE!! IF YOU ARE ABLE TO COMPLETE THIS MAP SEND ME A VIDEO OF YOU COMPLETING THE MAP. SO FAR ONLY ! PERSON OF THE 40 THAT HELP ME TEST THIS MAP HAVE BEEN ABLE TO COMPLETE THIS MAP WITH ME WATCHING THEM AND GIVING INSTRUCTIONS. GOOD LUCK, YOU WILL MOST DEFINITELY NEED IT.
I haven't seen the first puzzle map of the Challenge Series. I'm a bit amazed that you put most of the puzzles and stuff in the tower. According to the screenshots you put on the inside of the tower. The areas look small but I can tell by the spawn points you put in the starting room it's a medium sized area. If I have the time I'll download the map and have a go at your challenge map. You've done a good job of making it. - EpICx ReMiX XD
OMG! this looks amazing, I will dl it and try it with my friend. If... no, WHEN we beat it I will put a link to the video in my file share. Wish my luck.
Looks pretty cool, guys. I haven't seen a puzzle map quite like this before, but I'll give it a shot one day. Can two people play this, or just one?
I'm pretty sure you can have 2 people because if you look at the top it says minimum people 1 maximum people 16 (Just dont do it with 16, that would be hectic)