So you know Minecraft, Right? The Dead Linger by Sandswept Studios — Kickstarter Lets just say that there is a zombie version coming (That isn't as Boxxy). It just needs some help getting finished. As a Zombie fanatic, I am hoping that this game comes out and turns out great. Randomly generated worlds? 16 MINIMUM people running around? Awesome
Wow. This is the zombie game we've been waiting years for. Whether it's completed remains to be seen.
Dead Island tried to make a survival, it felt like a shooter. But this sounds like a survival I would gladly pay my 60 bucks for.
What game did you play? The majority of it was whacking people with paddles. It's RPG leveling and stuff ruined it. It wasn't even close to a shooter, especially compared to L4D.
It was never supposed to be a survival, ever. It was supposed to be a co-op orientated action game, made up mostly of melee combat with some horrible shooting mechanics. Not survival at all, nor was it ever meant to be. This game could be ****ing genius if it was done right. The zombie game we've all been waiting for. But it's so easily ****ed up.
Exactly. If you donate 40 bucks (I think is what it was) you get the game when it comes out. I'll probably do it.
I'm going to get a team together to make a 'game' and pretend that I need the start-up money. I'm gonna be rich!
Someone doesn't read. If it doesn't get up to 60,000, then no one is charged for money. Try to not troll and actually contribute to the conversation, please.
Someone is dumb. If you didn't notice there are many kickstart projects, all with different goals and outcomes. I could set a $5,000 goal for something and probably make it. Then everyone would be charged, and I would make $5000 and walk. /nottrollinsrstalk
Fbu was implying that the fact these people making the game may be bullshiting. He wasn't just talking about Kickstarter. Although, Im not on Fbu's side here. I'm actually looking forward to the game and had made my donation.
you can get a computer more powerful than an xbox for cheaper. I don't know what kind of misapprehension you were under.
They said that they are trying to get the game to be able to run on lower-end computers, which is a plus for all of us.