TBH, I'm not sure how this is going to "work out", considering that no one really plays Halo 3 anymore. And by work out, I mean that it might not be a big deal. If Bungie gave everyone Haunted Helmet, it would've be given more hype.
Recon armor sucks. It was so funny to see people go crazy over **** like that. The TL;DR made me laugh..
I still play halo 3 a lot, but I never was a fan of recon. I'll stick to my ODST helmet. How does this work though? Is it a system update, an objective unlockable, a limited time free dlc for halo 3 die hards?
I believe that they released it to everyone last night. I went on to play a couple games with my brother and he just got it on his account.
The Recon chest is amazing. I think they should have just locked it for those who already have it. Now it's not really very much of an "achievement" any more.
Well the way that Recon has always worked is that it was available to everyone, but locked and hidden. When players met all of the requirements (in the old days: the requirement was that Bungie hand-picked you and after ODST it was once you got all of the vidmasters) it was almost as if you flipped a switch that turned on Recon. Imagine it as: once you get online, your profile sends out a message saying "I do have Recon" and the game checks it and approves it; note that when you're not connected to LIVE, you lose your Recon because that message cannot be transmitted. So I assume that 343 just "flipped the switch" for everyone. Side note: the same goes with Blue Fire on Halo Reach.
The Recon Armor has become my favorite set in Halo 3. I use it instead of the default armor set, or any other set for that matter. One curious thing though. Every so often, I'll go into a match, knowing that my Recon Armor is set and my Spartan is wearing it. I either die or get on a vehicle, and I discover that I'm wearing the default Mark VI armor instead of the Recon. Anyone have any idea why this happens?