Map based off of "Pirates of the Caribbean" must be plated with the game type Run-A-Ground Note: When you are infected and go though the sender node you will be place under the ship jump up and land on the other platforms on the side of the ship to be able to get on the main deck. Weapons: DMR-3x Shotguns-3x Magnums-2x AR-4x Rockets-1x Plasma Grenade-2x over view of ship infection spawn sender node spawn
These pictures are really hard to see but What I can tell is the Zombies spawn on the pillar and the humans spawn in some sort of base is that right. That seems simple enough to understand. Looks like fun.
yea im srry about the pictures being small i tryed very hard to make them bigger but they didnt wont to be. and you are right thst the zobies spawn on the pillar but the base is not a base but a ship. [br][/br]Edited by merge: i fixed the pictures
probably the most creative pirate ship ive seen to date. but yes, like the other guy said, id like more pictures. And maybe if you have any budget (which im sure u do, you can add some structure by the blue spawns. maybe a lighthouse or something?
I have no more budget which surly i would like i would have placed a light house there trust me i thought about it but most of the budget went to the ship. and i don't wont to place any more pictures for 1. my live just ran out and 2. i wont people to explore the ship for there own.
yeah the map looks cool and im digging the ship design. It i however going to be too small for a fun map. You always want to offer the humans lots of strategies and places to hold out. Maybe try and combine the ship with a dock or make multiple ships with a cover nearbye. Try and build a whole theme to go with the centerpiece you have at the moment
yes that sounds good i'll go back and take apart the ship may be making it small i tryed to make it so the plays could run any where on the ship but i might make a dock of some sort but the only thing i dont like about it is that u cant go under the ship then but ill see what i can do.
When I played this during the last BIOC it had some major spawning problems for the zombies. A lot of players struggled to find the teleporter. I fail to see your reason for putting it in such an awkward place. Also, I would suggest changing the way the zombies board the ship. When they jump up to access the ship players were able to get an easy headshot on them. How about adding ramps going from the receiver nodes up to the ship.
I'm sorry i haven't been able to answer this soon my compute has crashed and wont be able to post any new maps or be able to fix maps that i have posted on here. But with that said i will be making a remake of this map and work on more of the surrounding places. This is my 1st "ship" map that I have tired to build and thanks for the feed back.
I agree with Oakley that it is too small BUT it might be perfect for smaller infection parties and I think it looks really cool. A lot of people complain that they have a hard time getting a big lobby for custom games and this might be the answer to their prayers. This map looks cool but I haven't played it yet