Before I announce the winners, let me say that there were a number of maps out of the submissions that we liked, and narrowing it down to three was hard. There were tears, recriminations, and I think someone tried to stab Overdoziz with a broken beer bottle. Nonetheless, the results are in, and without further ado: #1 Overall: Worthy by xzamplez (scored 69.125/100) Worthy proved itself to indeed be quite worthy. An asymmetrical room-based map, Worthy made for fast and frantic gameplay, with a rock-solid, inescapable design and unflashy but neat and attractive forging. xzamplez has recently proven himself quite the forger with a pair of Forge Hub Favorites wins in a single week - well now he can add a custom title courtesy of Forge Hub as well, as our first place winner. Congratulations. #2 Overall: Forty nine by Juanez Sanchez (scored 67.875/100) Forty nine is a map exploding with creativity. It has multiple levels of combat, a curved bridge, lifts, natural scenery, lights, a strange door thingy made of tin cup flags... you basically just have to play it. This was one of our overall most fun entries with particularly interesting lines of sight all over the place. I could have done with less of Shad0w Viper sniping me from god knows where, but if he were typing this, he'd probably give the map a big thumbs up for that alone. #3 Overall: Endeavor by xAudienceofone (67.0625/100) I endeavored to master this map, but mostly it mastered me. Endeavor is a curious product of what is clearly a deranged mind, with tight corridors twisting this way and that, occasionally opening up to an unexpected longer line of sight that will get you killed if you aren't careful. Its aesthetics are appealing, featuring a few of my favorite objects (the 1x4 block and tunnel large) and a few of EVERYONE's favorites, like the brace large. The natural setting and open air roof is attractive. I'd love to see a second take on this map without it being constrained by our contest rules, because I think the layout is really interesting and made for some wild combat. A word of caution though: grenades are not your friend on Endeavor. Honorable mentions: Noble by AceOfSpades (60.4375/100) Diesel by v clinical v (60.1875/100) -- To the contest winners: please PM me for information about getting your prize. To all contest participants: feel free to PM me also if you'd like to know your scores and/or feedback from the judges on your map. I'd be glad to provide as much detail as you care to hear. All maps were judged by four players (myself, Eightball, GrenadeGorilla8 and Overdoziz) in an assortment of categories on a scale of 1-10, then lots of boring math was deployed to arrive at the average final scores you see posted above. Such a score exists for all maps and is available on request, as well as individual scores by category and/or by judge. -- Bungiescrewedmeandyouboth footnote: I intended to make a video of the contest winners, but Bungie has already shut off access to our fileshare through their site (which means also the video-render function I made abundant use of the last couple years). I apologize, but this means no vid.
Bad timing on the video eh? Oh well. Congrats to the top three! And thanks to everyone that entered! You all played a part in making our lives a living hell for the past month!
Well I'm glad you enjoyed my map. I too, am interested in remaking it without constraints and may very well do so if not here than in Halo 4. You brought me out of my haitus though with this contest, and Im not sure if I should love or hate you for it. Regardless thank you for this reward very much and Im very happy to see not only how well this contest seemed to be run, but also that it was finished and promoted the creation of a good few maps. It sounds like my little map worked just as I hoped- I'll be reviewing what the judges have to say though and will probably tweak it some more. I never did consider that version totally finished. Congratulations to all who won and to the honorable mentions. Though I would like to see why exactly they were mentioned rather than winners. Curious is all. Thank you again, I was never too competitive but the 3rd place title is a very nice and unexpected surprise.
Hey that's friggin awesome! Just glad you guys liked it, it was by far the most interesting forge project I have ever done, and truly taught me how to turn a piece over and over and use it in new ways. I had an absolute blast playing the other entries too, and expect to see the full version of Worthy in MM in a month or two anyway
Congratulations to the winners. I've never hated playing custom games so much after testing all of these maps, haha. Thanks to errbody who entered.
Just wait until a new contest pops-up, and you'll be informed on how to join. Although I doubt there will be any contests until the blackout passes.
Almost had you Juanez, haha! Great challenge and some fantastic competitors. I saw a few submitted and was just like "o ****." By the way, Thanks for the 'deranged mind' compliment, Nutduster.
I am very suprised to be placed above yours, audience! Endeavour is great, in fact I thought I was playing the winner when I was on it. Isn't it just nice to be told you have made something decent??
It is! And thanks for the compliment, buddy! Im actually beginning a version 2 today, already have some work done. Basically it will fix some issues with things like ramps, narrow routes, and some other things such as new sections to be added. No big changes, but things I could not do in V1. I never thought the map was finished and those who played it for the contest that have gotten back to me have been great sources of feedback. I wish I got a chance to play on your winning map, Juanez. Next time we are both on I'll have to make you load it up so I can look around. You know, so I can steal your ideas and use them against you next time.
Aww. kinda figured, but you know, still had some hope. i never actually played any of the other maps (or mine too much for that matter), but i did play worthy once or twice, and i completely agree that it is the best, or at least one of the best. congrats. oh, and out of curiosity, do you think i could get a look at my score, to see what to improve?
I dont expect anything contest-y from Teecoj again any time soon. I know how these things can strain one and leave them asking "why in god's name (Steve by the way) did I do this?". I mean for any contest, not just yours.
Sweet! Honorable mention and we didn't playtest it once. Huge congrats to the winners, some great maps came out of this.
Wow at the moment, there are nore comments then there are views. I didn't even think that was possible Also I would like to say congratulation to xzamples, jaunez and audience. Your maps deserved to win.
Views doesn't seem to be updating. I've seen plenty of people viewing Just The Tip via the list of currently viewing users at the bottom, but it's still at 1 view on the forum page.