Dude, bad timing. Too bad Bungie.net won't let you download maps anymore. Nonetheless, I enjoyed testing this with you guys. I love the theme of it and it plays awesomely.
Picks up controller Turns on Xbox Clicks on halo reach Waits through opening thing untill I can skip it Goes to most reccomened Clicks x Goes to download Clicks a Download complete Jfkffgyfftff wets pants Aside from that I have been waiting for this map for a long time and am so glad it's finally out this looks amazing and you need a video... That would make me wet my pants yet again...
Though I'm not a huge fan of BTB fan when it comes to playing it for an extended period of time, I do think this is one of the better ones out there. There are lots of routes for infantry and vehicles alike and the balance between the two is spot on. The stationary hog stuck in the crane is a nice touch as well and comes in handy a lot during 1-flag. Since BTB isn't really competitive, I don't really take it too seriously when I play. So long as I can goof around in an interesting play-space and drive some vehicles, which this map very much so delivers, then I'm happy. - On a side note, I think you should find someone else to make your fancy threads if you really want to have them. The pictures are more important than pretty borders and gradients. This thread is a huge step up from your S and Meteora threads, but if you're going to get creative, you have to consider more than what looks cool. The blue, foggy gradient you have on each picture (which are very small btw) does not focus the eye as intended, but makes the image hazy and hard to read. On top of that the red bars that detail each location are very distracting from the pictures since red grabs our attention more than any other color in the spectrum. Also, stay aware of small things like having the gradient fade when you start mentioning your "special thanks" to people who helped test and give feedback. Visually, this kind of reads as ellipses would when writing a sentence, as if to say, "this **** isn't that important so we're just gonna start fading out now..." Just some thoughts for next time. Maybe hit Longshot up; his threads are always pretty slick.
Let's go play some Big Team. Now! Port Authority is just sweet. I think you guys finally got a map with near perfect hog/ infantry balance here; one where it is equally enjoyable and equally viable to go by foot or by hog. I am happy with the final flag position as well, as the different directions the flag can go really help to diversify gameplay. Trying to decide whether to run around the splazor side or rush the middle building is always a tough call. Overall, I'm glad to finally see the last of the summer Big Team maps be posted. Port Authority is great fun for 1 flag and territories and definitely deserves some recognition. Great Job MocknizzDuck! Edit: And if we are out of Big Team Maps I guess it's time to make some more.
To be quite frank, I honestly loved the way you introduced your map, it wasn't original like a regular map post would look, but you actually took the time to make what seemed to me as a "poster". Thumbs up for thinking out of the box. Along with that I wish the images could be a little bit clearer, but I can't wait to get my xbox back and be able to play test this map with some buds Double Props for making a city theme. (I'm really into the whole city theme) especially New Mombasa.
Map is looking very boss right now and im gonna make sure i get some nice games on this I dont know if you guys ever fixed that problem with FRL or the disco that would appear in some spots on the map but if you did thats awesome. great job on the map, its awesome sauce.
THUMBNAIL ALERT! NOT WORKING! lol besides that, in all honesty I have been trying to master the art of BTB maps and you practically poop on my hopes and dreams. I had only played this map once and I couldn't get enough of the fast-paced action on this map. vehicle combat is insane, not too powerful but enough to keep you on the edge of your seat for each corner you make. There were times were I nearly got jacked but fish-tailed splattered them instead. If there was any BTB map I would highly recommend for MM, it would be this map tenfold. infantry combat was fair as well, lots of diversity in terms of movment and various isolated areas for a bit of 1v1 or 2v2 combat in the spur of the moment. This was one of the most incredible features of the map that I truly enjoyed is you never really disliked any position you were in. In my opinion, the perfect BTB map. Well done, cheers Redemption1272
Thanks for all the love, guys! I'm really happy with the way the map turned out, it's awesome to finally see the vision I had all those months ago turned into reality. Neverendinghalo, I've done my best to optimize and trim objects wherever possible. I'm pretty confident in saying that nearly 99% of any disco is gone. Framerate has never really been a problem on Port Authority, since the sightlines of the map restrict the player's field of view to less than half the map at all times. DHG: yes, we're aware. Hopefully Duck will get the thumbnail business sorted out shortly
Holy, almost everyone who viewed this has commented on it. I guess I will too. Haven't played on it, but would really like to. I almost think BTB maps should have their own section, they are competitive, but so much more fun, vehicles, explosions, objectives, larger, more unexplored turf (coincidence that i use the word turf?) From what I've seen here and because I know you guys always over-test and over-exaggerate the release of your map, it would be a good guess if I said the gameplay works awesome. It definitely locks people into seeing what the map is about. Overall, great work guys, this isn't the cleanest most original map to come to the competetive section, but I honestly wish more maps were like this. Oh ya and I wish there was a thumbnail. You're probably working on that though.
I have to say this is one of the most impressive-looking BTB maps I've seen in a long while. The transition from the grassy/beach area to the roads of the city section is very well executed and the structures all look very well put together for large structures. I drove around in the various vehicles that are on the map and I was pleasantly surprised by how smooth everything felt. It's great that you managed to not make the vehicles feel cramped while still providing ample structural cover and options for infantry. My only concern is the disco effect that you get from the red spawn. It may only be there in forge due to all of the objectives and whatnot, but if it's present in custom games, I would definitely look in to trying to remedy that as much as possible. Would love to get a game on this sometime though. If you guys are ever running some BTB customs on this as well as other maps, I'd love to get an invite.
Thanks everyone! Unfortunately, here's the page I'm redirected to whenever I try to edit the OP to add a thumbnail: I've contacted the admins about the issue, so hopefully it will be resolved soon. Anyways, disco is not an issue anymore. Mock and I have both cut down on lots of extraneous pieces, and we're pretty sure that there is no disco, even with 16 players on the map. We'll have to host some more BTB lobbies soon (to Shoe and Ace). We gotta play all the other BTB maps from last summer. Thanks again guys. EDIT: Got the thumbnail working finally.
Excellent map guys! I've had the pleasure of testing Port Authority a few times and it has been a blast every time. Any and all performance issues that were there in the past have been taken care of and I really have no complaints. The structures and aesthetics are really well done and give the map plenty of character. I love the load out camera, it never gets old! The overall gameplay is fast and exciting especially on One Flag. I personally enjoy Slayer quite a bit, but I have only gotten to play a couple times on Slayer. Most of the games have been One Flag, but they've all been fun as hell. You guys really did an amazing job on the map! I'm glad to finally see it released and now we need to get some BTB lobbies going and play as many games as possible!
I, like many others, have played this map many, many times over the months and thoroughly enjoy the gameplay. I'm honestly surprised it's only being released now. Most big team maps consist of identical bases at the ends of asymmetrical terrain, i.e. Hemmorhage, Wayont, Mt. Lam Lam, Trident etc., so it's awesome to see a functional, balanced, fully blown asymmetrical big team map. It really stands out there and brings to mind Zanzibar, one of the best big team maps ever. I've played several games where the flag has come to a screeching halt just short of the flag stand, and games where teams just get shut down. It's got great variety in gameplay, and it's got character. I never knew realized that it was a billboard until I read one of the comments. I always thought it was weird but I get it now. Nice touch, great map.
Thanks Wraith and Noooooch. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the tests. Wraith, you need to play Slayer on here more, because it's actually really fun. Noooooch, I think the map would be a lot more comparable to Zanzibar, except that the defenders' base is on the beach, which is sort of the exact opposite. Still, there were some Zanzibar influences here. Anyway, I'm going to try to host some customs this Saturday, where I'm sure we'll be playing this as well as some Meteora, Metropolis, Embarcadero, S, etc. I'll put up a sign-up thread tomorrow if I wanna make it official.
I have went to fileshare, and then entered your tag, got like dozen of maps including metropolis and this one and ones which names I do not remember, downloaded them all, but I can not find them anywhere.I have not managed yet to start any downloaded map.Also on bungie.net when I press copy to fileshare I get error message that my fileshare is not active, something like that Please help, I looked for newbie forum here and I could not find it.I would really like to play custom maps with my friends...
i like the layout and i think it was definitely worth setting up for 1-flag the odst style is a great idea and the theme really works 9/10