DL link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Welcome halo fans to my newest release, Inferi. This map is one not to be taken lightly in terms of gameplay as it is very fast-paced and has team-oriented map control in which of you do not have your team working with you, good luck getting map control. The concept of this map came from one of my oldest creations back in the summer of 2011 where I had released the Endgame map pack. Trust me when I say that I know my forging at the time still had a long way to go, aesthetically speaking it was great overall but in terms of gameplay it had flaws that I was not fully aware of at the time. That time has long a gone by now and I have taken many steps in the right direction to better determine gameplay. Some Aesthetics that were old and some that were new I knew I wanted to combine. I wanted to use the cave again for three reasons: One, to have a map that had featured a creative use of the cave and two, to better implement my magma idea with less hassle with gameplay and three, to have a far better layout design that suited all gameplay avenues (MLG and competitive). This was my result, an L-shaped map with a double atrium central area with various lines of sight allowing several different positions of control. There is also many routes to take for objective game types, one particularly use is the bottom tunnels going directly under grenade launcher. While being the quickest way it’s not really the safest, it can be prone to grenade throws and nasty tunnel trapping so it should always be ventured with caution. The best route I find is to cut through top gold and do a speed-carry while your teammates cover you from top mid. This requires map control so if you do not have map control when getting the flag, it will be a really long game. Slayer operates by taking control of mid right? Not entirely, most of the map control must be done with one teammate controlling the friendly base while the other three control top mid and power weapons. Spawning while can be hectic is generally safe, some spawns can be oddly close to opponents but never in major lines of sight making spawning easy and fair. Another bonus about top mid is that there is little cover when controlling top purple, and the only cover you have is the line of sight blocker from both bases. In this most people typically like to stand on that ramp and await for enemy players, but it comes at a price . . . The ramp becomes prone to flanking and if either one of your teammates look away your bound to get killed. Now onto the weapon list: 4 x DMR 4 x Needle rifle 1 x Plasma pistol (90 secs) 2 x Sniper rifle (1 clip, 120 secs) 3 x Health packs (one in each base and one at bottom gold) 4 x Fragment grenades (A set in each base long hall) 2 x Plasma grenades 1 x Grenade launcher (3 clip, 120 secs) 1 x Rocket launcher (0 clip, 180) I would do an overview of this map but considering that half the map is inside the cave, it is too difficult to give you a general idea of its layout so to let you know the map is symmetrical but has a asymmetrical-aesthetic design. This also makes it very easy for orientation. I had also created a signature for this map to help advertise it on custom search. On to the pictures! Red base Blue base Red long hall Blue long hall Red tunnel looking from death pit Blue tunnel looking from death pit Top gold (GL spawn, health pack directly below) Rocket spawn, bottom purple Top purple Top gold view to purple Action pics ^_^ I would like to thank, roug3, Mt ragemore, xaudienceofone for helping me making it a symmetrical map (Seriously, this map wouldn‘t see the light of day if you hadn‘t suggested it), nighthaque, Zxamplez, Noooooch for pushing me to release it, Confused flamingo, Saltykoalabear, A haunted army, remember isao (his feedback at the time was very important), blaq cloud, overdoziz, Coach energy (yet again, can’t thank him enough), secret schintzil for clearing up spawning issues with me, and 50 different testers that had enjoyed the map and had given feedback. As a minor issue, and I am well aware, is the FR that is on split-screen. While not extreme, it is apparent when you view the map in large quantities. As such, I have tried and failed to make it split screen compatible. However, I do plan to carry this design into Halo 4. I hope we won’t have these issues then. I hope you enjoy the map as much as I enjoyed creating it! DL link: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=27509806&player=Redemption1272 You can also search tag “Inferi” for the download, for those who can’t get on bungie.net.
Wow, great map, very solid. I love how you added lots of natural pieces to the map. In my opinion, the death pit looks very weird and out of place and you might want to change it. Maybe it's just from the angle of the picture, but still.
its the angle really, i needed to take a proper angle of the tunnel and death pit in order for people to know where it is. give it a look on reach and you'll see a big difference
I feel as if I need to post in here for some reason... Putting the obvious aside, I gave Inferi a download and it really does seem like a decent, well-thought out map. The aesthetic is extremely clean, with no ugly z-fighting due to a clever placement of Forge objects, the layout is straight forward and easy to navigate, and the weapon selection feels tight and focused. I haven't played a game on it yet, but it does give off a good first impression; I'll be sure to report back with some real criticism if I ever find something worth noting.
Well isn't that a coincidence, guess you know what Inferi means then. I'll be sure to keep you in mind whenever I am hosting a custom game lobby
Orange text hurts my eyes... Oh gawd, my eyes! The map looks like it's improved drastically. Not half bad. Good work Redemption. Now if we could just get you to stop pumping out so many maps and focus on designing one, we might have ourselves a winner eventually.
I didn't look at who created this when i first went through the pictures and i had a feeling it was one of your maps, redemption. Plus they always have cool names . This looks great. The way you mixed rocks and metal pieces is well put together. I really like floor design on top purple for some reason. I haven't gotten a custom game on it yet, so I can't comment on gameplay. I will download it and hopefully play it in the future. Keep up the work
Looks good, a solid map though if I'm correct your map takes inspiration from Hellbent, the death pit if you are trying to make a lava pool. I have to say it only looks sadly like a one way shield maybe adding kill balls and more one way shields will give you a better laval pool you may find effective. Looks good I think I see a Warlock influence in the 7th picture, good work.
Dear god, Redemption, why must you insist on BURNING MY EYES with your orange text. Not only that but the contrast together with font makes this incredibly difficult to read. So I didn't. I would have but I like my vision. Im not losing it for this. The map itself is great, of of my favorites of yours to be honest. The last few I have seen you make have been good, but not too risky. This on the other hand is a nice design not seen often, like a right angle. You've made it work greatly and I an happy to have assisted you in it's development. Im still not a fan of the spike pit though and the map as a whole seems not quite there yet. Very good, mind you, but room for improvement may last, though I haven't played here in some time so I may not be as accurate on that fact. Congratulations on another strong map released.
This looks a great map that you made Redemption. The aesthetics of the map is very good, very soild and really well built. The natural surroundings such as the roof of the cave and the natural rocks you put on the map brings not just the extra detail or colour, it brings life onto the map. I know it sounds a bit weird when I say 'brings life' but it does bring your map to life. But there's a minor problem about this thread. Not your map because is great and doesn't need changing but the font and the colour of the font is a bit bright and a bit diffcult to read. Other than that you've done a excellent job of making this map. - EpICx ReMiX XD
I remember playing on this map a while ago, it is really a nice map. great aesthetics, clean forging, and some nice jumps. And despite me only pulling it off once, I love the diamond-symmetrical design you laid out, though the bases seem sort of like a dead end to me. For me though, my biggest annoyance with the map are the bridge mediums being used as "lazy cover." Especially with the two top-mid ones, it looks too much like you had to throw them on there for the area to work well (which it does happen alot). In other words, it doesn't blend in with the geometry well. With that kind of geometry, I usually had a large neutral pillar for the cover. I still consider it as lazy cover, but it actually looks like a part of the map, and it's a nice piece of cover that both teams can use. I tried it on your map, and it looks like it will work. I would show you a screenshot, but unfortunately I can't anymore. I basically added a tall 1x1 pillar in place of the central health pack, barely touching the higher pathway. It exposes you more to top purple, but that position was born to be flanked. One more thing: I would get rid of the lift from bottom mid to top purple. It cheapens the movement, and more importantly, it makes rockets easier to escape with. In fact, it moves you from the worst position to the best position, though the whole transition is pretty dangerous. It's likely that you could go without it.
My eyes are bleeding from that wall of orange text... Anyway, you're map seems pretty sweet. I did really like the thumbnail pic (top Purple and Gold) so good work!
Really nice map, Me and my friends got to play a little 3v3 on this and it was very clean and balanced... I couldnt find a problem with it, if i tried...