Gametype: Kill the Map name: Death-beam Spartan Mapmaker: CodyCero635 "Kill the" Death-beam Spartan. This a is a mini-game map that I am making, the mechanics of the mini-game were inspired by the map "The Detructaur" and the map "Acid Area 2.0". The basic idea and structure for the map. Is that one person (on the red) team has to defend himself against everyone that is on the blue team. But the twist is that he defends himself in a really unique way, he can delete their means of transport! The one guy on the red team (The Death-beam Spartan) is given a armor ability that has a haloball goal attached to it. And he has to go into the Shade turret that is provided where he spawns and use it to turn in various directions. By doing so he is turning the goal in a controlled fashion and can easily aim the goal at its targets. There are two possible spawns for the blue team. One is way below the Death-beam Spartan. At that spawn, there is 8 mongooses that they have to drive in order to get to a teleporter that takes them to where the Death-beam spartan is. But the twist is, the Death-beam Spartan can look at the mongooses that they drive, and the mongoose will be "deleted". Causing them to teleport back to the start of the mongoose area. The other possible spawn for the blues is level in height to the Death-beam Spartan. They are given the jet-pack Armour ability and have to navigate a maze to get to the Death-beam Spartan and kill him. But go figure, the Death-beam Spartan can "delete" their jet-packs and cause them to teleport back to start of the jet-pack maze. I really want to have this map tested more thoroughly and play with a lot of players so I can find as many faults I can in its gameplay. So please send me a message on Xbox Live if you are interested in helping me test this map. If there are better ways to orchestrate map testing then please inform me of them, this is my First ever map preview on Forgehub. This is the Death-beam Spartan spawn: This is the Blue team mongoose spawn: This is the Blue team Jet pack spawn: This is an underview of the whole maze: This is the mongoosers teleport to The Death-beam Spartan: This is an overview of the mongoose area:
This actually doesn't seem like a bad idea. It might need some tweaks, but the idea is creative. In my opinion, your biggest problem is the level of enjoyment for blue team. The red player sits at the top and merely has to aim at the poor team below who have to drive on a track they can barely see due to it being submerged. Of course they could go through the maze, but, upon coming out of the maze, they would once again have their dreams easily crushed by the player in the shade turret. I'm seeing this as a hi-tech adaption of duck hunt, which isn't a bad thing. You should take the aspects of that game and implement it into yours though. It will be tough to do this part since red player only has to aim at the blue players, but you could add more cover for those in the mongoose that way they won't be easily picked off. The track could also be less complicated, but not overly so. Maybe implent aspects from race maps like hills, ramps, deathpits, and the sort. What I am basically trying to say is make blue teams obstacle more interesting and less challenging since red already has such a large advantage. I would suggest removing the upper maze. It feels like a part that's there when it really shouldn't be. Most of the time red team doesn't even have a chance to aim at them since they are inclosed in a maze, but when they get out, it's extremely easily for red to tag blue. Along with that mazes aren't enjoyable in minigames and are overused, honestly. Like I said, I recommend that you remove that part and focus solely on the track below. The next problem I have is with the map itself. This isn't a big deal, but the map isn't aesthetically appealing in any way, which could drive away potential players. Red spawn is quite ugly, the maze is just an eyesore, and the large amount of colly walls makes it look grey and boring. I would suggest taking the time to spice it up a bit. I wouldn't mind helping you out with that some, if you'd like. The next problem with the map is it's location. The fact that the track is submerged is killing this map in my opinion. Try making it a skybox or moving it to land. This is a really nice idea. It just needs some changes, which I'm sure can be made through testing. Make sure you follow the template or it won't be tested though.
Great idea, poor execution, according to pictures. I would live to try this out sometime to be sure. But I really like the idea and it just goes to show how awesome the insane gametype is!
Gameplay is fun and great. Cody you are a great mechanic, little room for improvement. And I know I will get an infringement for this post but hey they just don't like me on this site. Good work, we just need to work on the aesthetics of this map, the erganomics/anthopometrics are great.