Oh wow, why did you delete the first version? Well I can honestly say I can't wait to try this version 2 out! Such a great map.
I moved a spawn point but there are still only 7 on the map. This should be perfectly fine though for up to 4 people in FFA slayer, Oddball and KOTH. Any more spawn points and there is danger of spawning right next to someone or in their line of sight. For 1 Flag and 1 Bomb I have added extra spawn points in the bases, so it should support up to 3v3 quite well. I deleted the first version because there is no need for it. Version 2 is the same, only with more support and better gameplay.
Yes it's for that reason I put a warning in the post Anyhoo I've replaced the pictures with more interesting ones now!
MATE!!! You did a lot more than just flip the teleporter over! New routes between rooms and more little semi secret areas. and the new spawn points make for a really disorientating few seconds right away. Got invited into a random party and got party leader and dropped this map on them and they didn't know what had hit them lol. Certainly brings a new level to 5 man FFA.
this map is sex. pure and simple, even attempting to recreate anything like it would be wrong. you have done something amazing with this map, i was only playing the v1 and i was amazed, but the v2 with it's extra spawns and routes will be even more sex than sex (good thing) you, are a forge-god.
Win. at. Life. This map is excellent. It really is. Even if just for the concept, more than the execution. You pulled it together really well, and my only real gripe (without playing any actual games on it) is that some of the walls and such are messily attached, with big gaps and such. But its no biggie, since the concept greatness outweighs the slight drop in quality at times.
This is an amazing map, a real forging feat, but does it actually fit in the competitive section? The very nature of the map makes it an incredibly difficult map to play on (but a lot of fun).
Thanks for continuing with all the great comments, I'm glad you all like the improvements made to version 2. I didn't add any new routes though, perhaps you just didn't notice them first time round... Yeah I would've liked to have interlocked the walls but it would've been literally IMPOSSIBLE. I wouldn't have had enough objects and I would've never been able to line them all up accurately and at the right angle. I positioned the walls as neatly as I physically could, the gaps are an unfortunate side-effect of placing objects at the angles I have. I can assure you nothing was placed messily or in a rush, it was all painstakingly positioned and pretty much every single object required me to "Save" and "End game". I would say this does fit in the "Competitive Section". It is a map that supports various gametypes without the need for honour rules. Admittedly gameplay may be a tad...unique....but it is still competitive gameplay none-the-less. Although I guess it all depends on which way you look at it (Pun intended)
4/5 First and for most, this map is crazy and fabulously pulls it off! If you've played Shift, you will love this map. Distortion makes Shift look like the ugly half cousin. This map actually plays surprisingly well, although it takes bit of adjusting to predict your grenade throws. But apart from that it's a great map. Perfect for FFA, can't really see this working as a teams game or objective. It's really fun to play on, there really isn't much that's needed to be said. Perfectly interlocked, perfectly set up. Nice little touches to the outside with the vehicles, and the mongoose upside down. That's what finished the map off for me, the extra touches.
ya, i forgot to mention, you did a really good job adding in the extra touches outside, the vehicles and the flat surfaced wall, that was rather awesome, it all had such a great feel, as odd as it was...great job man keeeeeeeep forging pl0x, must see more of ur work!
I'm going to have a hard time forgiving you for this. I'll get over it with time, but it will take a while. This nightmarish landscape of anti-physics has done serious damage to my equilibrium of balance. Seriously, man, brilliant. I'm really amazed by everything you pulled off. I saw the mongoose on the ceiling and that was the deciding factor: incredible map.
Pics are working fine for me. It may have been a temporary blip with ImageShack or it might be your browser. Try clearing your cache, deleting your temporary internet files or hitting Ctrl + F5 (Hard Refresh)
There's nothing stopping you from continuing to do so. There's quite a bit of potential with this style of map. I don't own a patent on it. You can still make an optical illusion styled map and have it be original, just don't make it really simple and obvious, try and do something interesting with the idea. It's like saying "Oh well, can't do a CTF map now because someone already made one" - Just make sure the one you make is good and is not just relying on the gimmick.
The new version is way better for actual gameplay it is sweet how did you get the vehicles to stand on there tips cuz i can only get them on their backs balanced